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It's morning, the girls are sitting in the pokemon center before they start their journey in Kalos with their pokemon, and that means they won't be seeing each other in a while.

"We would be splitting up again."Dawn sadly said while holding Piplup in her arms"It's been really nice to see you guys again."

Saira and May smiled sadly, agreeing with her. The girls have been closer than ever, they could consider each other as sisters.

"Are you guys gonna catch some Kalos pokemon or your gonna use your original pokemon?"Saira asked the two coordinators that she considered as her sisters.

May shook her head"I only brought Blaziken and Glaceon with me."they turned to Dawn who also shook her head, saying she also only brought Piplup and Lopunny with her"I'm planning to start with Kalos pokemon here."

"And that's the same with me."the blue haired coordinator chirped with her partner agreeing with her.

Saira smiled"You'll love Kalos. There's so many pokemon here that is never seen in other regions and not to mention the shops."she said them.

The girls spent the day with each other and also shopping some accessories for their contests, since all coordinators are allowed to dress up much like in Sinnoh. They're hands are full of shopping bags when they finished, four shopping bags are in May and Dawn's hands while Saira have five each, for her contests and showcases, and she's also planning on making some clothes.

"Wah! I had fun today."Dawn exclaimed as they sat in a best restaurant in the whole city, all of their bags are beside them"Let's do it next time."she suggested.

"I hope we can carry them in our journey though, but their too heavy for us."May joked, making all three of them laugh"So, how about a battle? Who wants to battle me?"she asked as she look between Saira and Dawn.

Saira smiled"I'll take you on, May."she said"Double pokemon battle sounds okay to you?"she asked as May nodded and the three of them finished their food and walk to the nearest battle field.

"I'll be the referee then."Dawn announced and walk to the center, outside the battlefield"This will be a double battle between Saira and May, both coordinators bring out your pokemon!"

"Blaziken! Glaceon! Take the stage!"



"Gardevoir and Sylveon, center stage!"



Four pokemon glared at each other while Saira and May smirked at each other"Battle begin!"Dawn shouted, starting the match.

"Blaziken, use Flamethrower! Glaceon, use Ice beam!"May commanded immediately.

"Gardevoir and Sylveon, counter that with double Moonblast!"both pokemon obeyed and the Moonblast canceled the attacks in the center"Sylveon, use Hyper Voice and Gardevoir, use Magical Leaf!"the Magical Leaf's speed and power got stronger because of the force from Hyper Voice, and hitting both Blaziken and Glaceon even though it only did a little effect on Blaziken.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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