It's been 3 long days, after my panic attack at coles.
Haiden has been trying to ask me about it, but I'm honestly not ready to tell him or anyone..."Hey hun, we have found someone to take over your role as alpha" dad mentioned as he walked into the kitchen
"Who?" I asked looking up from my phone, hopefully, it was someone who would love the pack with their whole heart.
"Jackson, he passed all the alpha tests and he also passed a few tests from your mother" dad smiled
Jackson was one of our strongest warriors.
He had the most amazing wife and the cutie's twin boys."That's awesome, tell them I said congrats" I smiled
"Well, I better tell amity, that we are leaving tomorrow morning" I smiled sadly.
I knew this day was coming, but it felt more real now...~the next day~
"Are you ready?" Haiden asked,
I could feel the emotions starting, I nodded my head slowly
As I took another look around my childhood home..."Umm, yes I'm ready" I smiled
I text amity to let her know we are coming to grab her in 10 minutes."Make sure you text or ring me as soon as you get to the airport, and then message me as soon as you get to America!!" Mum cried
I gave my mum and dad a hug goodbye and left for amity place..~24 hours later~
"On my god, finally the next time you want me to go on a long flight, I'm telling you no!!" Amity laughed as we landed
Haiden got us a private plane to travel to America, it was really sweet of him
" Amity shut up" James laughed,
If you didn't know them two, you would think they are brother and sister."Welcome to America Girls, our home is about 2 hours away. " haiden smiled, Grabbing my hand he gave it a kiss
"Soooo, can we eat now?, the plane food was horrible" I giggled at amity, some days that girl can't control what comes out of her mouth
Haiden laughed and told us to follow him, the airport as right next to this cute little Cafe.
"Order whatever you want bub, I'm just going to ring my parents to come to grab us" haiden smiled giving me his card
Once I got haiden card, we all walked inside and got seated,
James wasn't hungry so he only order a coke"Umm, what is spam burger? Or a mushrooms bacon burger??" I asked confused
Amity gave me a weird look laughing"Fucked if, maybe we should get a 2 classic burger and 2 Nutella shakes ?" She said pointing at the menu
"Yeah, maybe?" This was strange...
"Wait shouldn't I get haiden something???"
Well he went outside sooo he gets a classic burger too"Hi, welcome to timbers diner, what can I get for you" the young boy behind the counter said, he honestly sounded like he didn't want to be here
"Hi, can we please get 3x classic burgers and 2 Nutella shakes?" I asked nicely
"Sure that's $15.40, cash or card?" It honestly wouldn't matter if I did say cash, the young boy already had the epftos on
"Hey, can you grab our stuff when it's ready? I've gotta call mum?" Amity just nodded as she walked back to our seats with James
I walked outside to a nice spot and started to ring mum, hopefully, I don't wake them up...
'Hey, mum.. sorry did I woke you up?'
'No, it's fine sweetie, how was the trip?'
'Yeah not bad I guess, we are getting lunch at the moment
'Thats good sweetie, how's amity?'
'Aha, she's fine I can't wait for you and dad to visit, this town We are in now is beautiful, I have no idea what's called but, anyway I thought I better let you know that going on
'Thank you, sweetie, goodnight love you
I miss them so much, but I'm starting a new life here and I'm with amity so I'm safe
Haiden.. I already have really strong feelings for him and I've only known him for a month...
I guess that's what happens when you have a beautiful mate.."Ivy, I hate to break it to you, but you won't like the burger..." haiden said laughing
"Why?" I asked nervously, sitting down I took a bite out of the burger
"On my god..., this is horrible, I hate tomatoes and fake cheese" if the burger had no fake cheese and tomatoes it would be awesome.
"Hey at least you will like the Nutella shake" Amity laughed
Once we finished lunch a black car pulled up, haiden smiled at the driver and we jumped in the back,
James got the front seat and Amity got the side.
That left me and haiden right next to each other."It's a long drive baby, maybe get some sleep" haiden said softly as he gave my head a kiss
Hopefully, you like this chapter 😊

the aphla Aussie Mate
Werewolf"mine," he growled. This magnificent wolf was my partner. How on earth did a dingo mate with a wolf?