Chapter 1.

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Being a human fucking sucks!

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Being a human fucking sucks!

Yep, I said human. Or as the supernatural world calls us the mundane. The weaker type of beings blessed to walk earth. Its almost like when men call the women the weaker sex. I don't believe we are, if we train like they do then we can be just as powerful.

Humans are ablivious to who they share their space with. Some supernaturals live in the humane world doing very mundane things. However people like me and my mom got pulled into that world when my mom and dad fell in love with each other.

My father was a hybrid, a vampire and werewolf. My mom was nothing but a simple human. As my mom told me many times, she and my dad has a magnetic pull towards each other. They were mates. The moon goddess changed the game and mated my parents together, for some time alot of people were against their relationship. But they paid them no attention, their love was strong and they over came that hurdle in life. And now, that I'm eighteen years old as of tomorrow my mom is starting to panic.

I'm also a hybrid just like my father. I got all the supernatural genes, there's not even a speck of human in me. The blood that runs through my vains is half Vampire, half Werewolf. I might be fully supernatural but I have remained mundane for all my life, at least till my 18th birthday. We all don't see or know our other self's till our eighteenth birthday when we shift.

I have been human for eighteen years of my life, it will be so wierd to be able to shift into my vampire and werewolf sides. When I was younger dad said that first shift was the most painful. My birthday just happens to be on a full moon, that will hurt even more as the aura of the moon is multiplied ten times over. It might hurt on a full moon, more than it would another night but the shift is completed faster. So I much rather a more painfully but faster shift.

Tomorrow I'm turning eighteen i'll be finding out if I have a mate and what he is. By that I mean if he's a Vampire or Werewolf. You see, my father was the first hybrid ever to exist, then I came along and there was two of us. But a recent attack on the pack killed him. Ever since then the pack has been watching over me closely. If they killed dad because he was different and the first if his kind.... they will definitely want me.

My bedroom door flys open as my bestfriend skips in with a toothy grin on her face. "Bitch hurry up! We have to go school before my dad kills us for being late."

I raise a brow looking at her very happy face. "And you're happy because of that?"

She chuckles shaking her head as she throws an outfit towards me. "No! The faster we're done with school the faster you turn eighteen. Duh!? I'm exited to party tomorrow."

I sigh getting changed. I don't bother fighting Harlow on the outfits anymore because she throws an upright fit if I don't wear what she says is sexy. Apparently if I want to find my mate I need to dress like it too.

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