Letter 4

22 3 0

Dear Styles,
I didn't get to see you today again because the nurse said I needed to stay here a bit longer to recover. There are still bandages wrapped on my wrists and there is blood covering my thighs. There is still a needle going through my veins which provides me with the blood I need. I did receive a note and pink balloons. The note said "I hope you feel better" on it with Styles signed at the bottom. I somehow had a feeling it was you who sent this to me. I'm glad you thought of me. I finally know your name. I hope tomorrow when I leave this place, I'll get to see you. You're giving me reason to smile. I keep your note in this worn out journal, the first gesture and my first smile in a long time. Thank you Styles. Tonight when I stared at the stars through the window to the left of my bed, I thought of you. Were you watching the stars with me? Were you thinking of me as you looked out your window? I saw a shooting star tonight, but I forgot to make a wish. Do you believe wishes come true? Tell me Styles, do wishes come true.

Yours Truly,

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