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Amber's POV:

"Malfoy?" I look at him in shock not sure what he is doing here.

"That's me" he replies with a smirk.

"Um What are you doing here?" I ask.

"What do you mean? I'm just visiting my dear friend" he smiles.

Dear friend? Since when did we become friends last I remember he was nothing but a classmate.

"Oh thank you I appreciate it" I smile.

"No need to thank me, I know Zabini can be rude so I thought I would you provide some company instead of him" I never really paid any attention to malfoy he has always been rude and arrogant towards everyone.

"Amelie, I know this might come off as weird but would you like to go with me to hogsmeade?" He muttered slowly.

"What as in like a date?" I look at him with furrowed brows.

"Yes, I mean when you obviously feel better, or even if you arent i mean-

"Draco, I'd love to" I smile.

He looks at me with smirk on his face "great, see you this Saturday slytherin common room"

He leaves me completely shocked, I cant believe he asked me to go on a date with him? Draco malfoy of all people it's unexpected but it's better knowing I will be around him rather than Zabini.


Draco's POV:

Fucking finally, I have been waiting to do this for so long. Zabini has always prevented me from being around her or even trying to ask her out. But this time I won't let him get in my way.

I make my way back to the dorms only to have Blaise Zabini right in front of me with a red face and a mad expression.

"Zabini, get out of my way I'm trying to walk to my drom"

He chuckles at me "Mr confidence huh? Weren't you the one who punched me before you left?"

"Zabini I had my reasons for doing that, you almost fucking killed her!" I push him slightly away from me.

"Since when do you give a fuck? You're using her to get to me I know it" He pushes me out of the drom and to the hallway.

"If you must know, we are going on a date this Saturday, she deserves to be treated right all you do is insult her and bully her!" I exclaim.

"She is not going with you" He grabs me by my collar and pushs me onto the wall.

"Fuck off Zabini it's her decision to make not yours" I shout at him.

"Merlin do I need to get to through that small brain of yours?" "She's not going with you" Before I could reply I see her at the bottom of the stairs with no cast on her head, I didn't know that would let her leave so soon.

"What the fuck?" She looks at Zabini as he slowly gets off me.

"Ah, here to make a fuss about how you can't fly properly on your broom?" He chuckles.

"Zabini I swear to Merlin-

"No need for that draco I can defend myself, Zabini here clearly can't seem to stop obsessing over me" she smirks at me leaving blaise with nothing but a shocked expression.

Zabini's jaw still dropping over what she said she slowly makes her way to the girls dormitories looking at us both up and down.

"Goodnight boys" she enters the dorm leaving us both clueless.


Sorry for the late update I haven't been feeling well mentally, also my final exams are fucking annoying so I haven't been able to update, but no worries I will be updating more soon !!

be prepared for smut next chapter 😩😩

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