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"I smell..." Draco smelled the potion once more, he furrowed his eyebrows as he gazed at the table in front of him nervously. "Lavender? I don't know but it's some type of flower, mixed with a hint of vanilla" He took in the smell once more before placing the vail on the table. "And uh, fresh books" He cleared his throat avoiding eye contact.

That smelled nothing like Pansy Parkinson?

I locked eyes with Blaise from across the table with both us looking at each other with furrowed brows. He smirks lightly as I roll my eyes in confusion .

"Are you sure this shit is working?" Blaise chuckled at draco, blaise's comment making his jaw clench.

Daphne grabbed the potion in front of her taking his turn, he smelled it a few times before she leans back on his chair. "It smells like, white musk? It's really strong with a hint of lime" She glanced over at Theodore who was waving his hand in a flirty way, sitting not too far from her.

Blaise was next to smell the potion, the whole group patiently waiting for his turn.

"Go then Zabini" Draco called out Blaise pushing the potion closer to blaise. He raised his brows at the dark skinned boy. "Don't be a pussy Zabini"

He scoffed at him smelling the potion in front of him as he brought it closer to his nose. "I can still smell yours malfoy, it's the exact same" He took in another whiff before he looked back and forth between me and Draco. "It smells a whole lot like flowers, lavender? With some vanilla as well" He muttered slowly before passing me the vail.

I gulped having all eyes on me, I hated the attention they give over some stupid vail. I wasn't going to let anyone know that I can smell the strong cologne is filling my lungs.

"I don't think I'm smelling anything" I lied, handing the potion to Theodore hoping they will easily forget this. Knowing them they clearly didn't.

Blaise's eyebrows shot up with an amused look, his lips slowly curving into a smirk. Daphne was laughing uncontrollably, I send her a glare as she stops laughing.

"No way" Draco says with a smirk as he shakes his head in a sarcastic way. "We all did Amber, fucking smell it"

With a sigh, I smell the potion once more. I can smell blaise's strong dark cologne without having to smell the potion. I take more deep breaths to make it smell more believable. The smell sending goosebumps all over my body.

"Like I said, I don't smell a fucking thing" I lied to them again shrugging my shoulders. "Maybe it's because of this fucking potion, you are all smelling similar things surely something must be wrong"

That's the only excuse I can come up with to hide the fact that I can indeed smell the potion. The only one that made sense was Daphne's.

The group eyed me suspiciously, knowing them they won't drop this and they will continuously talk to me about it.

Theodore cleared his throat, bringing the vail close to his nose taking in the smell.

"Violets, those pancakes they serve at breakfast and" He glances at blaise before continuing his sentence, talking more smell from the vail. "Some hint of vanilla? Are you guys sure you somehow accidentally sprayed the room with vanilla?" He asked, awaiting an answer from the group in front of him.

"I didn't smell vanilla" Daphne states.

"Me neither" Glancing at everyone realizing I might have exposed myself.

"You said you didn't smell anything remember?" Blaise nudged me in the ribs causing me to flinch feeling the strong pain.

"Hit me harder will you?" I roll my eyes at him playfully.

"Anything for you darling" He smirks at me too close to my face. Before I could say anything professed slughorn starts his new speech.

"For today's task" He interrupted himself as he silently waits for the students to look at him. "We have two vails here" He held a vail in front of the students. "Now what I have here is a very important potion called Felix Felicis"

"Liquid luck" Blaise whispers to himself clearly meant for no one to hear.

"Which is usually referred to as" The professor spoke until he was interpreted by the one and only granger, Two-goody shoes.

"Liquid luck" She announced in a loud voice, the professed nodding at her response.

"Excellent Ms.Granger" He exclaimed. "It is a difficult potion to make, this potion is going to grantee you success with one sip"

As I sit back back down on my seat I notice blaise shift slightly in his seat avoiding my gaze.

"Well you look like you got something planned"  I asked him looking at him curiously waiting for an answer.

"I don't know what your are talking about" He rolls his eyes shaking his head.

"Mm sure."

"I will offer one of you a vail of liquid luck, in order to receive this prize you will need to brew an excellent Batch Of Daught of Living Death" Everyone started to clatter and move around the classroom. "Class, the instructions are on page ten on your book" 

I have never seen a class so determined to win a vail of liquid luck, the loud sounds of books and bags annoying my ears.

"I should add, this isn't an easy task only one student will be able to claim this prize if the successful brew the Batch" He smiled at the students. "Good luck all."

"So, this was your big plan?" I smirk at blaise as I watch him pace around in utter frustration. It was a funny scene to watch.

"Yeah cause i fucking need it" He snaps with an angry tone making me ignore him.

I already felt like giving up ever since i started the first step. Most of the class was struggling including all the smarties.

I watch Draco malfoy toss his robe away from him making his hair a tad bit messier than it already was. It was clear to say there was no way anyone would be able to finish this potion.

"It's nice watching him stress" Blaise chuckles beside me, I give him a deadly glare. "What?" He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Oh right, sorry didn't mean to attack your boyfriend" He stares at me with a huge grin spread across his face.

"Very funny" I laugh sarcastically at his comment.

"So you're not denying it" He hums close to my ear his nose slightly brushing against my ear.
"I might have to change that don't you think"
I can feel his smirk without even looking at him  shivers run all over my body.

My face blank at his response, I ignore it and continue trying to brew this useless potion, until professor slughorn announces the winner.

Harry Fucking Potter.

i was confused at how someone this dumb could be able to beat the smartest people in the class including Hermione Granger?

We watch the brown haired boy receive the potion making half of the class scoff annoyed.


Hola besties, what do you guys think? Keep in mind it's quite slow burn so keep waiting 😏

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