The silhouette

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The gang sat in a square shape, with one person at each corner. They decided to finish off the person to their right. Velma jerked off Fred, Fred fingered Daphne, Daphne tugged Shaggy's cock, and Shaggy tickled Velma's clit. The moaning started back up again, echoing through the halls of the house.
Suddenly, Velma gasped. She let go of Fred's bulging boner and pointed up at a window that was high above the floor. The group looked up and saw a man. He appeared to be... jerking himself off?!
      They all scurry there clothes on and try to look back and see the shadow. They all look at each other with embarrassed faces finally with the realization of what just happened.  Fred then says," Guys we need to find out who that is!". They all nod in agreement and run up the winding staircase. Fred then asks," should we split up?" Daphne then reply's,"it's the best way to find that hob knocker." Then in a hurry they split up to find the cum guzzler. Fred goes with Velma to the downstairs. While the rest of the gang stays upstairs to find any clues. As Velma and Fred walk down the dark gloomy stairs Velma trips."jinkies!" Velma cries. "I can't find my glasses!" She says while moving her hands along the ground to find them. Fred following behind finds a clue! "Hey Velma I found something over here!" Fred then hears a sloshing type sound with a slight moan. He then see's a dark blob with joe Biden's head pounding Velma like meat before cooking it. Fred shouts"hey get off my girl!" The blob then bolts upstairs faster then the flash. Velma on the ground out of breath says "great job Fred that was the fastest I've ever cummed". Fred shocked and mad at himself says pissed off,"that wasn't me that was the person who was watching us upstairs!!" Velma then thinks to herself I want to fuck bad. But she had to hold herself back. She then walks over to Fred to figure out what the clue was. Velma asked Fred,"what is it?!" Fred then says," it's that mans robes!" They both run upstairs in a hurry to the main floor. They then meet up with the rest of the gang to make a trap. They all stare at each other and wonder what they will do then all of a sudden Velma drops to the floor panting. "The ghosts are back!" She yelps. The gang then uses this opportunity to hide behind the long red velvet curtains. Bang! The rest of the gang looks at each other trembling. They were on the edge of their seats ;). They open the curtains to see the chandelier on the ground. They peak their heads around the chandelier to see the silhouette filling every hole her body. Hey! Stop that you pedo!" Fred yells. He starts to blush and get infuriated with every time the silhouette goes in and out of her.  He then talked him and the rest of the gang follows to see who it is. They take off the joe Biden mask to discover scrappy doo.

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