Chapter 8

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Michael POV
I knew this was out of blue, but I really wanted to take Azara on a second date. I had nothing planned on day and I would rather spend my day with Azara then with any one else. I woke up around 10 got in the shower and got dressed. I decided to surprise her so I hope she didn't have anything planned. Knowing Azara she was probably sleeping all day watching skins. I drove the 15 min drive to her house and went to knock on the door. There was no answer for awhile so I figured the girls were all sleeping. I knocked for about another ten minutes until I saw the living light from in the living room show from the crack under the door. They door slowly opened and I saw Lyndsey standing there in with her hair in a bun with shorts and a sweatshirt on. I could tell she was hungover by the smell and the bags under her eyes.
" not to sound rude, but what do you want?" She asked
" I came for Azara" she turned around and walked to the couch before I even finished my sentence. I saw Niall sleeping on the couch and wondered why, but choose not to ask and start unnecessary drama. She woke him up and told him to come to bed with him and he nodded. I walked down the hallway in to Azara and jazmin's room. I looked over to jazmins bed so I figured she spent the at our house with Luke. I sat on the edge of her bed and started shaking her shoulder.
" Azara, wake up" I said
She moaned and turned the opposite way pulling the covers over her head.
"We're going out, be ready in a half hour okay?" I asked
" okay just give me 5 more minutes" she said
I got up and walked out the door back in to the living room and sat on the couch that Niall slept on. I heard the shower turn on 5 minutes later and she was out eating breakfast 20 minutes later. I went and sat at the breakfast table with her while she was eating her fruity pebbles.
" did you already eat?" She asked
" yeah I'm good" I said
She got up went over to the sink and washed out her dishes. She grabbed her phone and bag and we headed out the door. When we got in the car she didn't even bother asking where we were going. We pulled in the parking lot and she had an immediate reaction. She smiled and looked over seeming more excited than our last date. We parked the car and started walking in the front gate.
" what do you want to see first?" I asked
" monkeys please" she said
" and then what?"
" wait the monkeys can't be regular monkey they have to be the red butt monkeys" she said smiling
" you mean the baboons ?" I asked
" omg yes them and then let's see the giraffes" she said
We looked at the map on the and head out way to the monkeys. Their were many people looking at them and we couldn't see right away. Once everyone started to move on she looked through the fence and immediately started laughing. She leaned up against the stone wall holding on to her stomach. At this point I was really confused on what she was even laughing about.
" what's so funny?" I asked
" what do you mean? Look at them how can u not laugh" she managed to get out catching her breathe and starting to laugh again. I looked at them and couldn't help but laugh now that she was. I covered my face and leaned up against the wall with her. While people passed watching the monkeys and moving on. Staring at us wondering what we were laughing at no one found what we thought was funny funny in their minds. After awhile of staring at the monkeys some more and laughing we moved on. We came to a cart with a man selling hats. While she was on the other side of the cart I bought a lion and a monkey hat and hide them behind my back.
" what do you have there?" She asked noticing my hand behind my back
" here you go" I said placing the monkey hat on her head and pulling her two braids from on her back over her shoulders on to her chest. She took my lion hat from my hand and place it on my head. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek and pulled away she then pecked me on the lips and pulled my hand. We walked to see the giraffes next. She kept awhhing when she saw the baby giraffe following the momma. We stayed for about an hour longer and looked and the remaining animals. Besides the reptile house that she refused to go in saying it gives her the chills.

Lyndsey POV
After opening the door I saw Niall on the couch and figured I did something wrong last night I just couldn't remember what. I woke him up and asked him to come back to bed with me which didn't take much convincing. He walked in to the room and came and laid back in the bed with me. I leaned over and rested my head on his chest and started moving my fingers over his stomach.
" I'm sorry" I said
" do you even remember what you were saying?" He asked
" can we talk about all I want now is to just go back to bed with you" I said
He didn't speak after that and neither did I we both just drifted off to sleep. We slept to around 12 when I woke up to his phone ringing. I let it ring and tried to ignore it as he did too. He sat up and picked up his phone off the nightstand and began to text someone.
" who is it?" I said rolling over looking at him
" my brother, I have to call him I'll be right back" he said grabbing a jacket and zipping it up over his bare chest and walking out of the room. It sounds horrible but I tried to listen to the conversation just bc the tone of his voice was scaring me. He walked back in to the room and came and lied in the bed next to me.
" is everything okay?" I asked worried about what his answer was gonna be
" yeah every things fine" he said
" is everything fine about last night?" I asked
" I don't know you tell me" he said
" I don't even remember what I said, If it caused you to sleep on the couch it must've been pretty bad" I said
" it was, it involved us having sex and you throwing yourself on me" he said
" sorry about that I get a little horny when I'm drunk" I said laughing at myself
" would it be so bad if we did have sex?" I asked " I wouldn't mind" he said laughing
I leaned in to kiss him and we sat there for awhile kissing no one taking a step forward. I climbed up leaned over and wrapped my legs around him. He started to laugh and his head fell in to my neck
" what are you laughing at?" I asked
" you wouldn't get off of me in this way lay night" he said
" do you want me to get off because I will" I said beginning to lift myself off of him
" no no no" he said grabbing the back of make and bringing my lips to his
He rolled me over so I was now under him and lifted my sweatshirt over my head. I unzipped his jacket and threw it on the ground next to me. Moving on to his other clothing articles as he did mine.

Ashton POV
I woke up to a multiple texts noticing me that their was a party tonight. I let everyone know in the group message know and everyone replied saying that they were going. I walked out the next morning and saw Jazmin and Luke along with calum at the table eating waffles. I poured some orange juice in to a glass and went and put it down on the tables
" do you guys were the vodka is?" I asked
" why do you need vodka it is 11 in the morning?" Calum asked
" I just need it" I found it in a cabinet above the fridge and poured a lot on my glass.
" slow down why don't you" Luke said
" I need it especially today" I said
I'm glad they stopped asking questions there. I didn't want to tell them the real problem was I almost spilled out my feelings to Kailey when her boyfriend also my friend could've over heard. I just needed to get my mind off things and drink my sorrows away which was why I was looking forward to the party tonight.

Micheal POV
On the car ride home from the zoo with Azara I got a text that said there was a party tonight.
" are you going to the party tonight?" She asked me reading a message she just received about it
" yeah are you?" I asked
" yeah I think so" she said
" do you want to go together?" I asked
" together? As in dates?" She asked
" yeah as in date sill be at your house around 9. Is that okay?" I asked
" yeah that'll be fine" she said
We pulled up to her drive way and I walked her up to her door before saying goodbye. She gave me a quick peck and told me she would see me in a few hours when I came back to get her.

Kailey POV
Everyone was at the party, but I decided not to drink and that Harry could since I did last night. I sat on the couch with Lyndsey who wasn't drinking tonight either due to last night. I hadn't seen Harry in awhile he went off with Niall somewhere.
" it's been awhile I'm getting kind of worried about them" Lyndsey said
" I know me too" I said
" I'm going to go look for them I'll be right back" Lyndsey said standing up pushing though the crowd. I sat there for awhile until Ashton came and jumped on the cushion next to me.
" how you doin?" He asked
Ashton was beyond drunk and I knew the alcohol was going to be coming up sooner or later.
" fine how are you?" I asked
" fine too" he said staring in the distance and bring the red cup back to his lips
" hey you never finished what you were saying last night" I said
" oh yeah I guess I didn't" he said looking at me and not going on
" well?" I asked
" oh you want me to tell you now okay" he said
Making me laugh
" well the girl I was telling you about is everything I've wanted in a girl and I could really see a future for us but she has a guy right now who's kind of standing in the way" he said
" I told you that you should take the chance and tell her just to see what happens" I said
" she's here I'm just scared of what her reaction will be"he said
" go tell her if she's here that should be a chance you have to be willing to take" I said
Before I knew it I felt his wet lips against mine pushing me back on to the couch. I pushed his chest forcing him off of me.
" it's you" he said catching me by surprise
" I'm so sorry if I miss lead you, I don't know what to say" I said standing up and leaving Ashton looking back at him to see him sitting on the couch sipping on the remainder of his drink.

Jazmin POV
I felt as if the room was spinning. My body was numb I needed to snap out of this phase. I don't even know what caused me to drink this much tonight. I have no clue where Luke went. I don't even remember if he was drinking or not. This is by far the most I've drank in my life. I don't like this at all I can't focus on a thing everything is a blur to me.
" look who it is" some guy said bringing a blunt to his lips it took me awhile to realize that it was Lou.
" haven't seen you in awhile" I said
" it's been too long" he said
" sure has" I said toppling over when I tried to put my arm on the counter
" let's get you away from this crowd" he said grabbing my hands and leading me up the stairs. I tried to count them 1 by 1 and go as slow as I could. He opened the door to an empty bedroom. He went and sat me down on the bed and I saw him walk towards the door closing it behind him. He sat on the bed next to me.
" what have you been up to lately?" I asked
" same old things, not much to do in this boring town" he said
Then something came over I couldn't even put it together of what I was doing. I pushed him on to the bed and climbed on top of him pushing my lips against his. My hands were moving faster then my mind. My hands went straight to his paints and in did his zipper. He lifted my shirt over my head leaving me in my bra and jeans. I pulled off his short and threw it on the ground. He flipped me over to where he was on top of me and his lips moved to my neck. My mind was frozen but my body wasn't, I couldn't stop my self. My body had taken over and I was no longer in control.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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