The prediction

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'My Diamond I fear your twin is in danger

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'My Diamond I fear your twin is in danger.' Black Sapphire predicted. 'She will be shattered because she made earth her colony' she followed. 'Oh my, Black Sapphire is there anything I can do to stop this' I asked her. 'No, my diamond,' she answered. 'But if you don't go into hiding or you will be shattered by the Rebels.'

(Time skip to on her planet)

'Well Pearl I guess this is the last time you will be seeing me,' I spoke to my pearl. 'WHAT NO MY DIAMOND PLEASE I WON'T TELL ANYONE my pearl cried out. '...Alright...'

'My diamond, I heard from blue pearl that they are coming to put you in pink's place in the authority' Black Spinel cried out

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'My diamond, I heard from blue pearl that they are coming to put you in pink's place in the authority' Black Spinel cried out.


Silence filled the room... Then I let out a cruel laugh

'HAHAHAHA they think they can take me away well good luck diamonds... I just going to pull a pink diamond...' I said as I transformed into...


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