This story is about a young teenage girl by the name of honesty. honesty has a very messed up ,complicated yet interesting love life. from getting cheated on, to getting shot and even getting pregnant. all these things coming from young men whom she...
Honesty's mom: Rico come help put this coal in the grill would you ? Rico: i gotchu ma. Leah: damn you have a big family girl Honesty : girl yes all these cousins for what Journee: i hope they know they not spending the night . (Leah and Honesty laugh) (Kayla, Imanii, Luis, Nick & Tyler arrive) Honesty: omg ! heyyyy family!! Imanii: *hugs honesty* hey boo where is journee? Honesty: she's over there by my auntie sonya Imanii: omg yo auntie sonya here ?!! bitch move*shoves honesty* Tyler: *laughs* hey tee . Honesty: hey ty . hey my baby luis*grabs luis hand* Tyler: damn he don't like you Honesty: nah he just acting different cause he with his dirty ass daddy . Honesty's mom: heyyy everyone thank you for coming ! All: hey ma ! Honesty's mom: honesty baby tia is in the front help her with the cake.
Tia(19) This is cousin tia . we've always been close and we've never fell out . Tia is my cousin on my mom side so y'all can already tell our bond is close . her mom is my moms older sister (auntie sonya) which is EVERYBODIES favorite auntie 😭. Tia although cute af is very much on the wild side this bitch is ultimate dare devil . there is never a dry moment when i'm with her that's probably why i love her so much !
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Honesty: *screaming* TIAAAAAA!! Tia: OMG HONESTY! Honesty's mom: y'all betta not drop my baby cake with all that damn screaming . Tia: bitch how you been?! Honesty: good just graduated, i got me my own place. Tia: girl i knowwww, yo mom posted it all over facebook*laughs* Honesty: *pick up cake* i don't understand why we always get these big ass cakes for everybody birthday. Tia: girl me either *they return to the party*
30 min later
Everyone is dancing and stepping , Rico and my uncle fred are on the grill . i love being around my family it's nothing but genuine good vides until....
(Tyree walks in) Honesty's mom: *runs to tyree* TYREE OMG YOUR SO GROWN NOW ! Tyree: *laughs* hello Ms. Lanita Honesty's mom: where's your dad ? Tyree: in the car getting the ice. we need some help. Honesty's mom: we have plenty of men . Fred ! Dante! Rico can y'all help tyree please . Rico: *looks at honesty and smacks his lips* Honesty: *sighs* damn man.
(end of the party ) Imanii: okay ma we all gonna head out i have to get Luis to sleep . Honesty's mom: okay baby you all drive safe *kisses Luis* see you later grandma baby. Tyree: hey honesty can i talk to you . Honesty: tyree... Tyree: please it will be quick . (they go to the front where it's quiet and no one is around) Honesty: so ... wassap ? Tyree: who is dude? Honesty: the same dude that was at my apartment. Tyree: yo lil situation? Honesty: my boyfriend. Tyree: is he really yo boyfriend honesty ? Honesty: ... look tyree your not , so why are you asking me questions. Tyree: you know how our bond is . Honesty: tyree that was so long ago. Tyree: i want you to be mine again tee . *walks up* Honesty: Tyree *pushes him* 1 i have a boyfriend 2 you have a child and 3 we're friends . Tyree: we wasn't friends when i was in - Honesty: Tyree stop . Tyree: man is it because of that lame ass nigga bro fr ? Rico: bae ? Honesty ? Honesty: please just leave me alone okay . Rico: honesty i've been looking for you .... fuck is you doing with this nigga *walks up* Tyree: wassap lil nigga . Rico: stay from around my girl man real fucking talk . Tyree: or else what lil nigga? she was my girl before she was yours . Rico: you wanna die. Tyree: i was in ha guts too . Honesty: TYREE! Tia: what's going on over here? Rico: *punches tyree* Honesty: *grabs rico* bae stop ! Tia: tyree stop chill bro . Tyree: *spits* pussy ass nigga . Honesty: let's go home . Rico: get the fuck off me bro . I'm done witchu Honesty: *starts to tear up * rico ... no stop come back Tyree: nah let that nigga walk away Honesty:*smacks tyree* tyree just stop & stay tf away from me . (in the parking lot of honesty's home) *in honesty's car* Tia: he still not answering ? Honesty: no ! Tia: it's always some shit with tyree. Honesty: nah fr that boy got some anger on him Tia: well enough about these boys, let's get out so i can get this house tour . *in the house* Honesty: yeah girl that's it Tia: i love it !!! it's so earthy in here . Honesty: just how i like it . imessage-Tyree: Tyree: tee i'm sorry for what i did Tyree: i ain't mean to snap on dude ass like that Tyree: if you don't want to talk to me i understand.
Tia: girl who is that blowing up your phone. Honesty: Girl Tyree Tia: ew what do you he have to say... Honesty: girl honestly idgaf, i'm done with all this shit. My life has been stressful since i was done with cameron.... i need a fucking break. Tia: yeah....especially after he shot you, that's a lot of shit to go through. I never wanna see you like that again. Honesty: yea, maybe i should just stop talking to rico, i'm kinda tired of hearing that he doing some shit with another one of my friends anyway. Tia: girl that's your best bet. Maybe you gay Honesty: girl please *laughs* Tia: girl i'm being serious. Honesty: well i'm about to K.O i'll go set up the guess room for you. Tia: okay, and tee? Honesty: yes Tia: i know you might think that you and rico have no chance but y'all have been through a lot together and i don't think you should let tyree fuck it up. Honesty: thank you i needed to hear that but i think imma just stop.