unfortunate disasters and new rooms

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Authors note: This is cross-posted from ao3 under the same fanfic title (come be lonely with me), and a heads-up TW for the swearing strewn in throughout the story. Here's a playlist for this story too: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4hOxWHAtE3JF9Oh9H8FRum?si=sULmkYGXSoCiOiwXrx6shg 

Let's go!

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"So you know that thing that happens to you where you eat that thing and then that thing makes you die yeah that happened to mEEeee..."

"I'm pretty sure that's called being poisoned, Anya."

"Hush child I am in the process of explaining how the thing makes the thing in your body uncomfy and the thing makes you puke and turn green and die."

"You are truly a terror to mankind."

Felix stares in horror and mild concern as Anya continues to ramble senselessly about how she got food poisoning. This isn't a surprising occurrence, unfortunately, so Bennett sits to the side giving unimpressed glances every couple minutes when Anya says something particularly weird. His attention is mostly taken up by his phone, watching a barrage of new messages flooding in from a source he never wants to hear from again.

He's so focused that he doesn't notice Anya discreetly (not discreetly) sliding over his shoulder to inspect the screen of his device. He notices, of course, and turns the phone away, smacking Anya on the head as he does so. Felix watches them with bemusement as Anya cries bloody murder and for a proper court trial about how she's being abused by her friend.

When she finally stops, Bennett's attention is again enraptured by the phone, his expression in a frown as he reads whatever message he received just now. She chooses this moment to poke him in the arm. "By the way, Bennett, who you textin'?"

"None of your business," He snaps in reply, still staring at his phone.

Anya clicks her tongue, "Now now small child, no need to hide anything from me. I'm your only mother, after all."

"Anya you're shorter than both of us, and you're the same age as him, you can't be his mom," Felix quips like a true intellectual while sipping their tea. Their presence doubles as both a tired dad friend and an enabler at the best of times, and they're more Anya's friend than Bennett's, but he appreciates their voice of reasoning nonetheless.

Pouting, and mumbling about how "you're not wrong but why y'all rubbing it in my face," Anya is momentarily distracted and Bennett quickly takes the initiative to sneakily leave the study session and catch the bus to his dorms.

The weekly lunch study meetings have been going on for a long time, since their high school days. Anya and Bennett had been friends for even longer, and the tradition simply carried on after the two of them got into the same university. Bennett studies law, which is boring but he enjoys it because the feeling of properly carrying out a case and winning is absolutely euphoric, even if the reading the classes require are tedious as hell. University work is a pain, but these weekly study meetings make their time more tolerable.

Sometimes other people join them, mostly dragged along by Anya when she remembers they exist. Nanditha comes along sometimes, when she's not absorbed by TikTok, usually followed by Riya with pictures of her pet bunnies Evie and Coco. There are other students at the university too who often show up as well; Darya and Ren and Charles make appearances at random whenever they need homework help. Some of their other high school friends like Willow, Jared, and Kiara all go to a different university a while away, but they would still take the time to stop by and catch up whenever they could.

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