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I would like to say again, this was inspired by Rezmei Seno on YT. The book cover art is also theirs! To know more please read disc or
Amity's POV:

"Amity." Says a stern voice I recognize anywhere.

"Yes, Lilith?" I Respond clinging onto my black vest. Her gaze brings me mentally down. I hate the fact that my parents decided to make Lilith my supervisor. She's so straightforward, Stubborn, And works hard to achieve her goal.

Unlike her sister. Yet Edalyn is in a higher position than Lilith. It's a surprise to know that but the truth.

"We need someone to do panels and characters with you." The female says looking down at the paperwork. I give her a disgusted yet confused look.

"I am perfectly capable to handle this by myself, ma'am!" I fight back. She raises an eyebrow in concern.

"No, you are not. We are behind schedule and that's because you are not able to draw a single panel nor character!" She says standing up. Her hand turns into a knuckle that is against her desk.  "Now find someone to hire or I will do that myself, like always"

The female says the last two words under her breath. It angers me that she thinks I can't do anything. The only trouble I'm having is to find out who the main character should love. And if I don't have an idea of that I'm never gonna be able to start with the panels.

I look at Lilith and turn around making her face my back. Walking to my desk I need to think of who this person needs to be. Someone creative of course.  I can't have some boring manga that makes the main character fall in love with this "perfect blonde tall guy". It's too predictable.                                                                                                                                  

I sit down in my chair opening a new tab. I'll start with the basics, why not ask any friends if they need a job.

...The only friends I have are Willow and Agustus. And I met them here. Ugh, Amity you gotta find someone. Cant have Lilith always doing everything for you.

Maybe Willow and Gus have some actual friends. I open messages on the PC and quickly text Willow first.

Amity: Do u have any friends that need a job?

Willow: Yeah I have 3 that do, what's the need?

Amity: Lilith won't stop bugging me to hurry up and finish the panels/characters, so I need a "partner" to help me

Willow: Well it is true, me and gus have been free this whole week because we have nothing to write. Or make the characters say. But I do have this one friend that can help u. She's very creative!

(A/N: Gus and WIllow do dialog on the characters.)

Amity: Can you maybe give me their number? I'll take whoever at this point.

End Of Convo.

I take a sigh of relief and lean my head back as the chair holds me. Good to know I don't have to check up with Gus. That takes one thing off my to-do list.

I fidget with my fingers waiting for Willow to give me the girl's info.  I'm craving a white iced chocolate mocha...should I go get one.  No Amity! You gotta do this and then you can get one. I mentally scold myself until a notification pops up.

Yes! Its Wilow.  I dial the number that's on the screen.  It rings for a few seconds until someone picks up. My ears perk up in the excitement but,  I have to sound professional.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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