[1]: The Reaping

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A/N: the way I wrote Loki as a Non-Binary person and Clint as a trans person may not be accurate to everyone's experience and can mean multiple things to different people. ( more at the bottom )

⚠️TW⚠️: transphobia, misgendering.

Third Person POV:

Loki walks within the crowd of people while trying to stick close to their older brother, Thor. The crowd was quiet but loud noises rang in their ears constantly and annoyingly.

It was the sound of the megaphones squealing as people talked through them, creating the horrid noise. This was Loki's first reaping as they're only fifteen and these people had last come twenty five years ago.

Loki clutched tightly to their brother who was mumbling reassurances to Loki and to himself. Up ahead, Loki could see a little part in the line where the crowd split. One direction headed to wear the too young and too old people head, another direction where the of age girls went and another direction where the of age boys went.

Loki tensed up at the categorisation that they had to face. Thor notices and leads Loki to the side of the line where they could talk. "Thor...." Loki said with and anxiety ridden expression. "Look.....I think they have you down as a boy because that was your birth gender but Loki, don't worry, it doesn't change who you are." Thor reassured his little sibling calmly.

Loki has identified as non-binary since they were eleven but only Thor knew about it because stuff like that wasn't greatly accepted in their dust ridden home of district twelve which is why some trans people were put through the stress of being categorised as their assigned birth gender. It was horrible but the inequality couldn't be dealt with so they lived with it.

Loki nods slowly. It's ok. Being categorised by these stupid people can never take away who they really are and Loki will stand by that but for now, they had to start moving.

Loki and Thor join the crowd again and made their way to the part where the boys were being checked in. The line moved slowly and with every agonising step Loki could feel their lungs shrink a little to the thought of reaching the gates of doom.

Loki was officially separated from their brother as Thor was moved to the older but eligible line. Up ahead, Loki could see kids similar to their age getting some sort of verification process done that checks them in.

One more person and then it was Loki's turn. Loki watched as the boy in front of them had his finger pricked, the boy's finger was pressed firmly onto the page and a blood finger print showed but in a little square box, the man controlling the situation scanned the print and sent the boy through with a nod.
( sorry if that's not right I haven't watched it in a while )

Loki's stomach was having a dance party as in they felt like they were going to throw up. Loki's hand was forcefully held out and the man pricked their finger. Loki's hand was pressed roughly against the page and their blood was scanned.

"Loki Odinson? Alright, go through." The man says. Loki thanks before being directed to a split in the crowd

[ half an hour later ]

Loki felt as if they were about to faint if they stayed out there one second longer. Suddenly, people stopped speaking.

The megaphones went silent and Loki could feel the tension in the air. It suddenly felt as if Loki's best green pair of short robes had a mind of its own because they couldn't stop fixing it.

Suddenly there was a tap on the microphone and Loki looks up. A woman with neat blond hair done up in a pigtail stood up at the podium. If you covered the body of the woman with your hand she would almost look like a regular woman you'd see in district twelve, maybe minus the overdone makeup.

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