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The world around has it's version of RIP
Might i suggest with modesty that we try to find our versions of LIP
Live In Peace
Inner peace , bless, bliss, happiness
Throughout time we have been taught the differences
What about what we have in common? We have more of that than anything
Don't we?
I believe so
I'm not talking about the science
I'm talking about what we can see with our everyday lives
No need to make a scene
Culture we all have, yet we are struck on the differences
We segregate on differences
Do we not know unity
No difference between you and your neighbor
You or the next gen
Just cause their name is Jen doesn't mean Ken is any different
All innocent at birth , all the same, cute is the most occuring word
Not scared of taking a leap towards the LIP
In the world of today the ops aren't worse then the unkind
Why stop at the RIP, we remember someone more once gone
Oh wait why start
Appreciation like no other with Van Go
Oh yes, today a happy man long gone
Gone in the wind
The irony is in the work
Today there's a remainder for everything no different then not remembering
All guilty to so
It's made life easier but not more


That we lost
In some degree
Gained as the world temperature
Do we not learn?
Seems like we earn and about all
Too early or too late
A life by LIP is better than RIP
The difference
For you to determine
As you live your life

Whether it be in peace now or after
The after will be more peaceful then the now
So allow it, take strides forward

Being in the dark is ok
Staying in the dark isn't

But you know, you're never alone
If your going through any phase
Someone out there is surely going through the same

There's someone out there for everyone isn't true
But there's someone out there going through the same darkness or happiness is

There's a light at the end of every storm
As the anthem goes, the bird's song at the end keeps the smile up

Sincerely that song we've been missing so far this year
Keep your head up
Keep the personality flowing among all the negative vibes
Keep your positivity going , at the end of the day

You're the winner

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