Volitale times

262 16 3

Levi's POV

I cannot believe this piece of shit laid a hand on Eren, I am going to have his head on a silver platter. It's not even the fact that it was Eren, it's the fact that bullying is just fucking wrong and I will not let it go unpunished. Also Eren but that was besides the point! The point was that this asshole Erwin hired was a bully. One that picked on a very cute boys and probably left marks on his delicate body.

Breathe Ackerman breathe. Don't get all pissy just right now Eren would be extremely confused or just think that you were an obsessive weirdo. Don't freak him out Levi that would suck.  

"Levi is something wrong?" The emerald eyed boy asked placing his hand on mine snapping me out of my world since I was in a daze.

"Yes, yes sorry I guess I became distracted." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Man I can't believe I got that upset over this kid. Well i have been known to have an obsessive personality.

Eren shrugged and took his hand off of my own after lingering for just a moment a blush splahed across his cheeks. My heart jumped looking at him pluse racing, no dammit get yourself under control what is wrong with you? Deep breaths deep breaths.

Not long after that the meal was finished. Plates emptied and stomachs full. 

"Hey are you doing anything today? I really would like to practice toghere, you play so well." Eren asked blushing and looking at the floor.

"Hmm nope I am not, practice sounds nice." A smile crossed my face, that's new.

Eren didn't seem to notice it though, he smiled nodding, I paid for the bill even though Eren was desperately arguing that he should. But I wanted to be polite, I mean I did take him on a date. And that was the gentlemanly thing to do, also I may or may not be a sucker for green eyes.

Leaving the restaurant I try to get to courage to hold his hand, failed. Didn't have enough time before we were on the two wheeled motor vechile. I turn the engine over, racing out of the parking lot and straight into traffic, damn Los Angeles. There's always fucking traffic here, but I didn't care as much as I usually would since Eren had his arms around my waist.

"What's your deal Levi?" Eren coos from behind me after some time of silence.

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow that he could not see and moved forward slightly, I mean sure I could race past all the cars and will if this conversation turns south but for now I'm fine sitting like this.

"I heard the gossip about you clawing your way up from the bottom of the barrel." I could feel him shrug from behind.

I shrugged back instead of responding, I didn't want to get all feely right now, I didn't really know this guy well enough.

Eren left it alone but rest his chin on my shoulder, nuzzling me. I feel a light blush rise to my cheeks but don't say anything against it.

Around thirty minutes later we reach Erens home/ fucking giant castle, really though it's crazy, I'm pretty sure Erens the only person that lives here.

"I think I have an old violin around here somewhere." Eren hummed opening his front door and immediately looking around, for what I have no clue.

"Julie!" Eren called down one of the hallways, for a maid I presume. But a woman walks out older woman, blonde grey hair, in normal dress holding some music sheets.

"This is my music instructor, she's very sweet, Levi Julie, Julie Levi." Eren said as we shook each other's hands

"Hey Julie do you think we have a violin?" Eren tilted his head waiting for a reply.

She looked like she was trying to recall before nodding and turning on her heel. "Yes it is this way."

After a opening a few doors and looking in couple of wrong places she thought she stashed it she pulled out the instrument. "Aha!' She said moving towards the case in a corner of a nearly empty room, the walls decorated by cardboard boxes like they kept away too hurtful memories. This was probably where they keep erens mothers things.

"This hasn't been used since your mother huh?" She asked Eren brushing off the case that was covered in dust, presumably from not being used in years.

"Not Julie it has not." was all Eren replied seemlying unfased looking at the violin that rested in the womens hands.

Immediately I became frantic, there was no way I was going to use that, what if I dropped it what if I-. My thoughts were cut off by a violin being shoved into my hands and Eren giving me a "don't worry about it" look. I looked at the violin, it looked like some one loved it very much and it was a very cherished item. I could only tell by the wearing in the varnish, the lighter parts of the violin around th edges.

Still feeling quite panicked I nodded having a very tense grip on the instrument. Eren led me back to the piano which now was cleaned. Actually why had no one asked Eren about it? Was that a usual occurrence? The thought sent shivers up my spine but I decided not to bring it up. For now.

"What do you want to warm up on?" Eren sat back down at the piano and looked up at me.

"Just the scales I guess." I shrugged readying the bow to the violin. Playing the first note all the way to the last.

Eren stood up to open his chair and fumbling get out the music sheets handing them to me with a huff as if to say you pick, which i do after looking through the papers i decide on one of my favorites Lacrimosa it was a dark and beautiful song. I handed the sheets back to him getting a happy nod in return. 

We played the song with next to no errors, mostly it was Eren he was no as disciplined as i first thought but he might also just be getting a little jittery which i can appreciate making him. Other wise the song was beautiful. I set the violin down on top of the piano carefully, receiving a confused glance from Eren. Before i lose my nerve i sit next to him place my hand on his his bringing his face to my own and kiss him.


Hello readers! Sorry it has been so long since my last update I was kinda busy but then I read a fanfic that didn't have an ending and made me first off hate my existence second guilty for not updating so here we are with a brand spanking new chapter.

One of the reasons I have not updated in so long was because I feel in love, and no not in like omfg I'm dating someone, I found a new otp and I'm in love with them being in love actually I am writing a new book about my otp its a Rusame and i would greatly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Have a great rest of your day/night/evening.

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