*̩̩͙✩·͙˚̩̥̩̥.Chapter two*̩̩͙✩·͙˚̩̥̩̥.

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(Can't do the normal fancy writing as I am with no wifi)

The one where (Y/n) meets new friends


🐅(Y/n) PoV🐅

I walked into the room, the class already seated. The teacher stood at the front, her hands clasped at her chest. "Everyone, attention please! I would like to introduce you all to yourselves. Please use this first 10 minutes to get to know each other" As she spoke I made my way to an empty bench right at the front, near to the door.
Across, on the other side of the isle, sat a blue haired girl. She looked rather lonely, I considered speaking to her but as I drew in the breath a blonde started to talk. "Ahem. Excuse me.. ugh Marinette Dupain Cheng. I am forced to be with her year after year" She spoke the first words at the blue haired girl and the others to a ginger. "Likewise Chloe." Bluey spoke, keeping her head toward the desk. "Then you should know that I always sit there. So... move." This got a reaction out of bluey. She didn't stand up but shot an angry look toward the blonde. "I will absolutely no-"
"She will." A brunette spoke out. Wow, so many different people. Oh dear help I will have to learn all the names.
The blue girl's mouth hung open in disbelief as she was stood up and guided toward the seats behind me.
"-and that good people do nothing, come on girl." I only heard the end of the quote but knew who it was. I turned around, looking at the girls.
"Thats Majestia, isn't it? I love her, she one of my favourite superheroines ever!" The brunette beamed at me, nodding her head.
"See, if we hadn't have moved then we wouldn't have met this cultured woman. There is positive in every negative. Alya, by the way." Alya smiled, pushing up her glasses.
"Exactly. I'm glad you sat behind me, I was worried I wouldn't make any friends today but I have two perfect ones sat right behind me! My names (Y/n), its lovely to meet you" I gave a little wave and smiled back.
"I suppose so.. but wow does she annoy me. I'm Marinette and I have.. had macarons for you but..." she opened a little box with crumbled goods inside. Alya grabbed the box off her, taking the only whole one and breaking it carefully into three, passing one piece to each of us. We did a little 'cheers' with them before eating them. A nice coconut flavour with chocolate cream on the inside.

Only having 2 minutes left of our 10, we stood up, leaving our bags as a sign of taken seats, and met the rest of the class.

"All right everyone!" The teacher, Miss Bustier, clapped her hands signalling for silence. We hurried back to our seats. The one next to me was empty, its a shame. A loss of an opportunity for another friend. I'm half glad I didn't have to sit in front  of the blonde girl, I feel that would just be a pain for me.
Mental note not to trust her with any miraculous, she would let the power go to her head, that and/or abuse the power she would have.

Marinette and Alya on the other hand, perfect candidates for one.  I wish I was able to personally give them however my own identity must be kept a secret, that of Blanc Tigress and of Grandpa Fu's granddaughter.
That means I probably won't ever be able to invite them back to my house. The secret is to precious to risk.

What about Adrien? In the few seconds I watched him with grandpa I thought my Grandfather had signalled. Touched his miraculous. I know we are in need of a new ladybug and black cat miraculous holder but did I second guess myself? Thinking about it did I even see Grandpa touch his bracelet? And why would Grandpa give a miraculous to somebody I know. It doesn't add up. As soon as the  miraculous is given out I will be able to meet the holder, and I will be able to do a personality check. That will tell me if Adrien could be the cat or the ladybug. So will looks, I assume.

I really hope Tikki and Plagg get nice new owners, I know Plagg has been ever so bored lately. He needs to let out some energy before we have a repeat of the dinosaurs. Tikki, poor Tikki, all she wants really is to have a responsible, ready to learn, lovable owner. I hope she gets what she deserves.

I slip my hand into the pocket of the jacket, stroking Iggy's small head. I recieved a muffled giggle in return and a small strawberry head placed into my hand.
I roll my eyes, popping it back on his head to wear like a crown and make a small shushing noise. I can't be revealed otherwise I will never get to transform again.

Its the most thrilling thing, transformation. I have the white tiger kwamii, which grants me the power of- dang it... I haven't be concentrating and we are moving onto goodness knows what.

I turn around, looking helplessly at Marinette who, in return, reluctantly hands me her notes. I beam at her, an imaginary halo glowing above my head. I skim over them, ah. Makes sense now.
Thank goodness for friends.

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