*̩̩͙✩·͙˚̩̥̩̥.Chapter Five*̩̩͙✩·͙˚̩̥̩̥.

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(🇾​​​​​/🇳​​​​​) 🇫​​​​​🇮​​​​​🇳​​​​​🇩​​​​​🇸​​​​​ 🇦​​​​​🇳​​​​​ 🇴​​​​​🇱​​​​​🇩​​​​​ 🇹​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇪​​​​​🇦​​​​​🇸​​​​​🇺​​​​​🇷​​​​​🇪​​​​​☆

🐅(Y/n) PoV 🐅

He puts me down gently, outside of a random house that I said was my own. His green eyes scan my body and he sighs.
"How did you get into that in the first place, hm?" He speaks softly. I don't reply but instead watch intently as he pulls my sleeve back, running his leather clad fingers over the bruise on my arm.
His ring beeps, making me jump slightly.
"I guess that means I leave you here... M'lady." He bows before jumping into the sky, disappearing into the black of  midnight.

I start to walk to my own house, unaware of how hard my heart beats in my chest or how much my knees want to buckle beneath me. I'm tired.
Iggy pokes his head around and of my Jacket. I smile at him and he smiles back. He breaks the silence.
"So that's our Ladybug and Chat Noir huh. I like them... They managed alright without us didn't they."
"I suppose so..." I answer all three of Iggy's points.
"I felt kind of useless." I say, turning my head away from the conversation.
"Nah, we could never be useless." Iggy replies with an air of cockiness.
I roll my eyes and just continue to walk home.

"(Y/n), where have you been?!"  My Grandfather was waiting for us at the kitchen table.
I walk over, hugging him from behind.
"Oh you know, just the usual getting kidnapped and then taking a ride home with one of your superheroes. No big deal."
I pick up 2 apples, tossing one to Iggy and biting into the other.
"Kidnapped? How... who?"
"An akumatized Ivan." I reply to Wayzz. "Its ok though, Ladybug and Chat Noir took him down, It was amazing, Grandpa you should have seen them- oh my..." I groan and skin to the ground.
"We forgot to purify the akuma.."
My Grandfather says nothing for a few moments, instead going to light he stove, putting water in a kettle and kettle on the stove.
"You must do everything you can to keep Ivan happy. If I am correct the akuma will multiply and spread like a virus. There could be millions of the stone villain. However, they will remain frozen until the original gets re-akumatized." The kettle whistles as he finishes. He pours us both (Tea flavour) tea.
We drink in silence.

I go upstairs to try and concentrate on my homework, however I give up after 5 minutes. The guilt of the city being akumatized weighed on my shoulder, pulling my feelings down with it.
I groan and throw my head back, causing my seat to swirl around, when I look up my eye catches the  box on the top of my shelf. I stand up wobbling towards it. I pull the black box down from the height and gently putting it down on my bed, I sit and curl my legs underneath me. Tears well it my eyes as I bite my lip, slowly opening the lid. The velvet feeling is no comfort as I look down. A battered photograph showing a pretty (e/c) eyed woman and a young (h/c) haired man. I stroke the photo softly as if it were made of glass and could break any second.

My phone rings, snapping my attention away from the photo.

Caller Id: Adrien Agreste Requests Facetime.

"Hello?" I press accept and he pops onto the screen
"(Y/n), alright... you're alright, I just wanted to check in after-" he breaks ups, coughing for a second.
"After um... you're.... biology homework. Yeah."
"We don't have biology homework."
"Um yeah... I meant-" as he pauses to find another excuse I interrupt.
"Adrien, when were you going to tell me that you are a model? And further more that your dad is Gabriel Agreste?" Dead silence from the other end, until he started laughing.
"Hey? What's so funny?"
It sounds like he struggles to breathe, his head dipping off the screen, whatever the joke is it better be good.
"I- I actually expected you to be like- like how he said it would be" He stops laughing and explains
"I've never really been close to anybody before, other than Chloe, and my dad had warned me that people were.... obsessive over rich people, for their money." He pauses, looking at me for confirmation that I understand, I nod.
"I guess I kept it a secret because I wanted you to get to know me for me."
I sigh as he finishes, he also lets out a breath, I hear him chuckle.
"This wasn't how I expected the reveal to be."
I laugh, the reveal?
"I guess not. You could have thrown a party with a big banner saying 'I am a super famous model!'" I make small jazz hands before putting my face into my palms.  He mimics my last action and we stare at each other, somewhat jokingly, sticking out our tounge and making odd faces and also somewhat... nice, just peaceful.
A door open from his side and he looks panicked before slamming his phone under his pillow.
"Adrien, you were expected downstairs for Chinese 7 minutes ago. What are you doing?" Its the woman from earlier (whose name I might have forgotten.)
"Ah right, um, well I will be down in um 30 seconds?" Adrien speaks politely, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
The door closes and I hear him walk back over to the bed.
"I'm sorry (Y/n) I-"
"Go! Do you French or whatever it was."
"Chinese," he corrects, "I will speak to you tommorow."
"Bye bye!" I blow a kiss and hang up, but not before saying... "I love you."


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