Part 1

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"Y/N it's time to go!" Hikori warned.

"Going!" I rolled your eyes shutting my backpack. At the moment him and I were both on our way to the Hidden Leaf Village. Crazy right? My whole life I'm actually leaving that old man.

"Hey Y/N you ready?" Hikori asked as he opened my room door.

"Yeah." I nodded as we took off.


"This is the academy." Hikori pointed at the school. It was dark so It was barely visible. I shrugged thinking of all the new people I were going to be around with. It made me annoyed at the thought.

"Thank you Hikori, for everything." I said hugging him which caught him off guard. He slowly brought one arm up and hugged lightly.

"Your welcome Y/N. I hope we can see each other soon one day." Hikori says while I back away from him as he vanishes in thin air.

"Me too." I whispered. I soon rented an apartment with the money I had. Opening the door it looked super empty.

'I have to get a job to fix this place up, and keep affording rent.' You thought sighing. You took out a futon bed from your bag, making it, and falling asleep.


Next morning,

As I walked down the rode towards the Hokages office, you looked at a blonde kid waving to his mom although his body movements made it seem like he was forced too. I didn't know I was staring to long until, I'm guessing, his mom waved at me too. My eyes widended once I realized I zoned out and she had the byakugan!

"Hey!" The blondie yelled walking towards me, "Are you the new kid?" He asked tilting his head in the process

"Uhh yeah?" I answered but it came out as a question

"Oh! It's nice to meet you! I'm Boruto Uzumaki!" Blond-or-Boruto said pointing his thumb towards his chest and looking up

"Nice to meet you Boruto. I'm Y/N Ogori." I tried to make it seem cold but I feel something towards this kid so I just said it quietly

"Nice name! And weird last name." He said looking back at me and stiffened when he met my cold glare

"I-I mean nice name! First and last!" He said waving his arms in front of his face, "We-Well we better get going to school ay?" He asked and had a confused look when he saw me shake my head

"No, I'm going to the Hokage's office." I said and saw him frown

"Oh your going with old man huh?" He said frowning and slouching, "Welp! Would you like me to take you there?"

"No thanks. I'm good." I answered walking away from him to the Hokage's office


*Knock Knock* I knocked on the Hokage's door waiting for a response which I do get when I hear a faint 'come in' I then open the door to see another blondy but the Hokage with a bunch of papers in his desk 'Poor man' I found myself thinking as I sweat-drop

"Oh you must be the new person in the village!" He said happily and straightened his back even though he was groaning and slouching just a second ago

"Uh yes." I answered bowing as he chuckled which made my face flush of embarrassment if I did something wrong, "Was I not supposed to do that?" I asked standing straight

"Hehehe no it's fine no need to do that," He answers as he smiles brightly, "So, Y/N right?" He asked to which I nod and he continues, "Ok! Where are your parents?"

"They are no longer with me." I answered.

"Oh, my apologies!" He said, "Very well then! You just need to do these papers and your off I'll let the teacher know your gonna be late." He said handing me some papers standing up and going to call my teacher, "You can sit down ya know?" He said looking at me, "O-Oh ok sorry." I said sitting down























A/N So that's it for this chapter sorry I suck I know but i'll try to get better!

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