Part 2

105 3 4

Reminder! She is covering her hair kinda like a headscarf! So just keep in mind!


"I'm done." She said rather coldly

"Alright! Your ready to go to the class now!" Naruto said smiling brightly but thinking who she is, 'She's awfully familiar...I just can't put a ring on it. ' Naruto thought in deep thought rubbing his chin didn't even notice Y/N was still there

"Um..sir?" Y/N asked

"Hm?" Naruto hummed looking at the confused girl before realizing what he's doing

"Oh! Sorry! I was just in deep thought." Naruto replied rubbing the back of his neck

"Hn. I shall get going, sir." She said turning her back to leave

"U-uh yeah ok! Have a great first day!" The Hokage stuttered at the child heading out of his office


The raven blonde girl knocked on the class door ready to get this over with and patiently waited to get to class. As she was standing in the halls soon the door opened to reveal the Sensei

"Hmm, you must be the new student. Come in." The Sensei said opening the door wider for Y/N to step in. Which she did and scanned the room before it landed on a certain blonde. They made eye contact before the whiskered boy started waving his arm frantically in the air with a bright smile.

'Hey!' He mouthed at the boringly looking girl. All she did was nod and turn away to scan more people

"Ok class this is a new student. Introduce yourself please." The Sensei said standing straight looking at her as she was next to the door and on his side

"I am Y/N." The blue-eyed girl said coldly glaring wherever her eyes landed on. There was then an awkward silence that filled the air.

"*Cough* Well...Is that it Y/N?" The Sensei asked not very good at this job

"Yes. I don't really think they need to know my story in life right?" She asked not turning her head to the Sensei just looking ahead. Her eyes then landed on a black-haired girl with onyx eyes, shoulder-length hair with her hair part to the right, and tucked behind her ear. They made eye contact for a while before the black-haired girl turned her head away

"U-uh yes, your right um please take a seat next to Boruto. The blonde kid, Boruto please raise your hand." The Sensei said getting rid of the awkward silence. Boruto then did what he was told to do.

"Hey!" Boruto whisper-yelled once Y/N sat down next to him.

"Hello." Y/N said rather softly, 'Why does my voice come out nice when I'm trying to be cold?' Y/N thought wondering

"So how was it with the old man?" Boruto grumbled

"Uhh, you mean the seventh Hokage?" The girl asked


"Well it went pretty short, I just had to sign some papers is all." Y/N answered

"For real?! That old man made you do work?!" Boruto exclaimed hitting his fist on the desk and standing up

"Boruto," Sensei growled, "Don't interrupt the class."

"Yeah yeah." Boruto answered sitting down as the class began again

"Yeah? It's not really 'work' though blondie." The girl corrected

"He's  ridiculous," Boruto answered shaking his head

"...Why do you hate him so much? Is he not your father or something?" You asked

"Well yeah, the old man is my father, but he is barely home! Is always busy! And never spends time with us! One time it was my sister's birthday and he sent a shadow clone! Wasn't even him..." Boruto complained and explained

'This kid...' You thought. He angered you so much in this moment 'At least he has a father! God! I never had one! And here he is complaining about the 'horrible' things his father does.'

"-You know what I mean?!" Boruto's last sentence snapped you out of your thoughts. You shook your head and jumped a bit regaining your consciousness

"No. I don't know what you mean, I've never had a father or mother." You answered, Boruto stayed quiet and shocked. You were even shocked yourself! You don't know why you answered truthfully, you just blurted it out

"Oh...I'm sorry." Boruto replied looking down at his desk


The bell soon rang. It was lunchtime. You were kinda worried if Boruto was going to ask if you wanted to sit with him. Sure, you were fine with sitting with him but you assumed the dork had friends. And if he did have any, and he asked you. You are going to have to sit with him and his friends. You don't really like a lot of friends. Well, depends at least

You had some lunch already, you made yourself some rice, soup, and had a bottle of water (You can change it to another drink if u want)

You walked outside, and took a deep breath. You loved fresh air, and taking in all the fresh air made you happy. You walked towards a tree, thinking of laying on it. So of course, that's what you did.

You sat down, opening your box where your food was and started eating. It was kinda peaceful, and that's something you haven't had in a while. You could hear the soft conversations of people having, they had low voices, so it wasn't to loud. That is until you heard a voice shout your name,


Sighing loudly. You turned your head to see blonde hair, blue eyes, and two whiskers. Boruto.

"What do you want?" You asked, finally you answered coldly, maybe because you were annoyed by him. Especially since he ruined your peace.

"Woah, no need to be mad, but you wanna come and sit with my friends and me?" Boruto responded

You moved your head to look behind Boruto to see the same black-haired girl you saw earlier today and a snake looking guy. He had white-blue hair, thin eyebrows, golden eyes, and a pale complexion

You thought for a second,

'I could know more about that strange girl?...'

'Is it really worth it though?'

You hummed while thinking. Though finally, you answered.

"Whatever dork."

"I am not a dork! But is that a yes or no?-" Boruto asked

You simply put your lid on top of your box, sealing it, and standing up with your water (or another drink) in your hand. Being too annoyed and lazy to answer the blondie you ignored him repeating his same question and started walking towards his friends. You could see both of them staring at you. The snake-looking guy sat on the sand with his hands on his lap. And the black-haired girl sat on a swing with her lunch in her hands.

"Sarada! Mitsuki! Meet Y/n! And Y/n! Meet Sarada and Mitsuki!" Boruto introduced and pointed at Sarada and Mitsuki

"Hello." Mitsuki greeted calmly


Sarada stayed silent as the same as you. You both stared. Glaring almost. The tension was weird. It was like rivalry and confusion in a way.

"Alright then! Let's continue eating!" Boruto shouted


I'M SORRY GUYSS DAYUMM I TOOK A LONG TIME TO UPDATE I'll try to be more active and keep writing! Also sorry about this really short chapter!

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