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It's been about a week since my confession. Thankfully, the cast hasn't treated me and different except the occasional glares at Nicole. School is starting soon, so I've been trying to make the most of the rest of my summer. Liv invited us all to her house for a pool party in celebration of the school year starting soon.

I asked her why it was a celebration and she told me that because of all the stress from acting and memorizing lines, school is a great relief. So here I was, dressing in a black and red bikini in Liv's walk-in closet. Liv let's me borrow her clothes all the time on set, so this shouldn't be any different, right? I threw on a plain white button up tee before walking out of the closet.

"I still don't understand why you're so insecure about your body," Liv commented as I walked out of the closet.

"What do you mean?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what she meant.

"You have the most beautiful body, yet you always cover it up," Liv pointed out.

"It's a Nicole thing," I shrugged as I pulled my hair into a messy bun. "She always calls me fattie, pig, bitch, that kind of thing."

"Well, you shouldn't believe her," Liv told me. "Now come on. The boys are already downstairs." Me and Liv walked downstairs to see Leo, Dylan, and Mateo in their swim trunks and tank tops lounging on the couch.

"Let's get into the pool. It's like 95 degrees outside right now," I said, announcing our presence.

"I agree," Mateo smirked walking up to me.

"What- what're you doing?" I asked as he picked me up. "Hey. Hey! Put me down!" I slapped his back in an attempt to make him drop me, but it didn't work. We got outside and I was still flailing as the boys and Liv started laughing. "Mateo Arias! Put me down right now!"

"Ok, if you insist," Mateo agreed, throwing me into the pool. Thank god I don't wear makeup or I'd look like a raccoon.

"MATEO!" I screeched once I resurfaced. I took off my shirt, throwing it at him, but he moved making it hit Leo instead. "Sorry Leo. That was meant for the pain in the ass that goes by Mateo." I glared at the black haired boy. I got out of the pool, walking to the trampoline next to it. I jumped a couple times before flipping into the pool, making cheers erupt from my friends.

"Comin' in hot!" Leo yelled as he jumped in.

"Y'all are crazy," Liv laughed as she dipped her feet into the pool.

"Aw, come on Liv. Live a little," Mateo teased before picking her up, throwing her into the pool.

"Ok, you have got to stop throwing people in the pool," I told him, laughing.

"That's it!" Liv yelled as she resurfaced. Here comes the Kim. Liv ran out of the pool, chasing Mateo around the large yard until he jumped into the pool, making her halt. "I'll get you Arias!" she glared before stomping to the nearest lounge chair.

We stayed in the pool for another hour or two, I lost track of time, before heading inside so we don't get burnt. "Anyone hungry for lunch?" Mrs. Holt asked, holding up a couple bags of Publix subs.

"Yes please," Leo nodded.

"I'm starving," Mateo agreed.

"I love you," Dylan beamed. All three of them hurriedly lunged at their subs, literally inhaling them.

"Geez. Slow down," I teased.

"I think I ate the wrapper," Leo admitted, taking out a white piece of paper. I rolled my eyes, taking my own sub happily.

"Thanks," I smiled to Mrs. Holt.

"So what're you guys planning on doing for the rest of the day?" Mrs. Holt asked.

"I brought Call of Duty: Ghosts. Me and Leo were gonna play while the girls do whatever and Dylan does his summer work," Mateo replied.

"Summer work?" I questioned.

"Dylan is the smartest out of all of us, kinda like his character. He likes to get ahead of class so he has more time to study, even though he doesn't need it," Liv explained.

"Gotcha," I nodded.

"Well, I know what the boys are doing, what're you guys planning on doing?" Mrs. Holt asked me and Liv.

"We're probably gonna lounge in the same area as the boys while we talk about things, I guess," I shrugged. It didn't take long for all of us to finish our subs. We all showered and changed into the change of clothes we brought.

We went to the basement which had a flatscreen TV and a leather black couch with some other chairs and such. Mateo sat in the chair to the right of the TV, Dylan sat in the small corner with a coffee table, Liv sat on the chair to the left of the TV, Leo sat on the couch, and I also sat on the couch. Throughout the day our positions and activities changed, but we were all having a blast. At some point, my legs found their way draped on Leo's lap as he continued his Call of Duty game.

Around 7:30pm, Mrs. Holt came downstairs to tell us dinner was ready. We were all planning to stay pretty late anyway, so we weren't worried about leaving quite yet. We quickly ate dinner, which was a delicious chicken casserole, before heading back down to the basement. We all returned to our previous positions and activities.

"Sasha?" Liv asked, not looking up from her phone.

"Hm?" I hummed in response, also not looking away from my phone.

"Look at this," she told me. I turned around ever so slightly to see a picture of me and Leo looking at each other in a side hug with the caption: Onscreen Lovers and Offscreen Lovers? posted by The Things on Instagram.

"I don't remember taking that picture but I look good," I cockily grinned. Liv rolled her eyes, smiling nevertheless. Time passed fast and my eyes grew heavy. I don't exactly know when, but I finally fell asleep peacefully for the first time in years.

Envious // Leo HowardWhere stories live. Discover now