40| Chapter forty

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This is the most boring chapter I've ever written fr, but this chapter is needed. Do you guys like seeing Nigerian slangs or should I just leave it like this? Comment your thoughts in the comment session.

Just two more chapters left and then the epilogue. Vote <3

Mike's POV (Point of View)

"Micheal, come down for breakfast!"

The shout from my elder sister was what woke me up on a beautiful Friday morning. The sun was barely out and it felt like it had rained the night before since the weather was so chilly that I couldn't help but question how I managed to survive the night in just my briefs. I attempted to wipe the sleep off my eyes before putting a foot out of my bed, only to fall right back on my ass.

It took me a minute to remember that today was scheduled to be my graduation/valedictory service altogether. How could I forget? It feels just like yesterday when I made the tough decision to come down to Nigeria to further my education and possibly meet that one person I couldn't stop thinking about, even after years of being separated.

Ruth has no idea how exceptionally elated I am to finally be with her. Well, not completely in the way I was wishing for, but almost I hope. Her sudden question yesterday certainly threw me off guard, because never did I think she'd ever ask me something like that.

Was she truly that oblivious to the feelings that I have for her? Wasn't I making enough efforts? Those were the questions I couldn't stop asking myself, with no body to give me a reply. I never picked Ruth to be that naive, but I guess she is after all. The mental idea of us being only friends has been stuck so deep in her mind that it's particularly impossible to see us as anything more.

And it hurt. But who's to blame?

Ruth, right from the beginning, has always been unpredictable. She is her own person, and that's what I love about her. Yes, you heard right, I said love. I am in love with Ruth and I am not too much of a coward to admit it to myself. I don't know how she might feel about that, do it's better I keep it to myself.

"Do I have to call the name of God before you come downstairs for breakfast?" My sister, Toke sneered as she burst through the doors to my room. She had a kitchen dish flinging between her fingers with a glare on her face, with her hands placed on her hips.

She acts like a mum and she's not even twenty five yet.

"You should really be careful after barging into a boy's room like that sis, I think I deserve some privacy. Hell, I could be naked, and you would have seen me just like that." Thankfully, I had briefs on so my main exterior part was covered, I can't even imagine how I'd react if my sister was to see my naked body.

She looked at my body up and down and I raised a brow at her. "No one wants to see your two inch, almost non existent— You know what? Get ready and meet me downstairs, don't make me come back up here."

"Learn to knock!" I shouted at the top of my voice as she descended down my stairs. I could hear her mutter words about how I thought I was a man when I couldn't even compare to a boy.

Having an elder sister is something else entirely but I wouldn't trade her for anything.

• • •

The hall was large and extremely filled with students and parents, all dressed in their finest attires. People dressed in colors of all kinds seemed to be the other of the day, I struggled to take difference of which one was which, even with the non recommended glasses I had on.

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