Position :1:

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Picture of Mandy (played by shay Michelle). ------>

Position :1:

As I pull my brown hair over my one shoulder so that it wouldn't fall in my eyes. Mandy Williams... I write on the sign up sheet,

"Still registered in soccer?" The one and only Mark Adams, the jerk, hotty, and the asshole, of the Northvale high school.

"Still registered as an ass?" I flipped him off.

"Aww come on Mandy..." He held his hand to his heart,

"What do you want, what's your name again?" He smirked as I gave him an awesome death glare.

"Mark!" Ashley the slut aka head cheerleader "welcome back babe!"
Before he had a chance to speak up her lips crashed against his and started vacuuming each other's faces. I think I started making the vacuum sound (vvvvvooooommmmm!) but they did not hear

"What the hell, get a room!" A familiar voice spoke up, and a arm wrapped around my neck.

"Jealous much" Ashley turned to look at my best friend Lucy, Lu,

"Did you know that passionate kissing can make a person deaf!" Did I meantion she is also voted Ms. Know it all,

"Listen bitch unless your name is Google stop acting like you know it all!" She stepped closer to Lu...

"At least I know something!" Before she jumped Ashley, I grabbed her t-shirt. Lu cursed under her breath.

"Let's go we have P.E now" I pulled Lu with me,


"Ok today we are going to play...SOCCER!" Mrs. White, the P.E teacher, announced,
A quarter of the girls cheered and the rest booed. Aka I was the one who cheered the loudest.

After all of us got changed into our gear, we ran laps. Today we have to play with the boys. Andie was the goalie of the girls team, and I guess with todays P.E.

"Girls suck!," a guy shouted from the back. I was a striker meaning I get the ball, in front of me was also one of my teammates, Anna, and behind her was Mark, 'your going down' he mouthed. The whistle went off and I got the ball, I ran passed Anna with two other girls on my side, I sped up when I got closer to Mark, by the time I was just in front of him, I put the ball under my foot and twirled around him, leaving me with only two guys (one guy and the goalie), I chipped the ball over the first guys head and caught it again. When I realized I was too close and passed it to Lu. She went passed a guy in front of her and passed the ball back to me and the next thing there was all cheers. I did my signature run, where I run, jump and hug (RJH).

"Not bad for a girl" some guy with blonde hair bumped into me, i tried to memorize his face, and when I saw him, he was my target!
The whistle blew! Mark got the ball and passed it to the blonde guy, I immediately ran after him, I put my foot under his and sliced the ball out of him that made him fall. I passed it to Anna which got us a goal!

"Hey not bad for...a boy yeah?" I bumped into him making him fall to the floor, again
. It went on till the score was a tie,
This time it was my time to make a good..impression...I got the ball and took some time to glance at Ashley on her cellphone, so ran towards her with the ball.

"What are you doing!" Shouted people from behind me, I kicked the ball and DOOF, right in the face, and she fell right to the ground

"Good aim." Lu jumped behind me

"Williams! To the principals office now!" I scoffed and grabbed my bag.



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