𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑤𝑡𝑎𝑦 🤞😩

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• recap •
Derek: you're not to bad yourself
Y/n: oh.
• end of recap •

Derek: D
Y/n: Y or Y/n
Mike: M
Vallyk: V
Kobe: K
Ahiella: Ah
Aya: Aya

at Mike's house •

D: hey y/n
Y: hey Derek
Everyone: wassup
Y: hey ok so, this is my friend Aya
Everyone but Derek: hiii
Y: why didnt you say hi Derek?
D: u-um idk
Derek runs to his room
Y: that was weird ..
Aya: anyways .. hey guys
Y: Also this is my sister Ahiella, Mike you know her
Mike laughs •
Everyone: hey Ahiella
Y: Im going to go look for Derek
Derek, Mike, Kobe, and Vallyk live together • ( the old times omg ;) )

In Dereks room •

Y: um .. hey Derek you good?
D: yeah um sorry for running out
Y: it's ok but why did you run out?
D: because u-um Aya is my e-ex
Y: oh. um .. ok
When Derek said that a price of my heart broke. I really liked Derek but I didn't want to break girl code .. but .. Aya never told me. Let me stop being selfish

D: wait y/n please don't be mad I really like you

When Derek said that I got butterflies because I really liked him

Y: I like you to ..
D: oh well uhm do you wanna-
Y: no I'm not ready
D: that's ok do you want to watch a movie?
Y: we are supposed to watch a movie downstairs with them
D: ok let's go
Y: ok

downstairs •

V: what were y'all doing 🤨
Y: talking ..
V: mhm
Aya: Chile
Ah: k what movie y'all wanna watch?
D: Annabelle
Y: I wanna watch Pet Sematary ( idk how to spell it 🧍‍♀️)
Aya: play Rock Paper Scissors and whoever wins that's the movie we watch
D and Y: ok
Y/n won as she should •
Y: yes!
D: omg 😐




my corner:

okay do yall like the story? I havent been getting views 🏃🏾‍♀️
ok ill prob update tomorrow or idk

April 16 2021
367 words

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