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~ recap ~
Kobe raped Ahiella and y/n and Derek found out...
end of recap

D: Derek
M: Mike
V: Vallyk
Aya: Aya
Ah: Ahiella
Y or Y/n: y/n

Y: no you're not ok your only 15
D: dang man you shouldn't have done that
Y started beating Kobe up. She gave him bruises, scratches, and scars. Later in the week everyone but y/n and Ahiella visited Kobe in the hospital. (Yes y/n did that much to him 🙄)

Y: hey Ahiella, are you okay
Ah: yeah I'm fine, it didn't really effect me I know I'm young but it doesn't count as a first time, right? Like it hurt a lot but that doesn't mean anything! Y/n it's fine LEAVE ME ALONE!  Ahiella was having a panick attack.
Y: Ella calm down it's ok, breath
Ah: sorry
Y: you don't have to apologize it's not your fault when you have panick attacks
Ah: ok
Y: Do you wanna go to the mall and get somethings?
Ah: sure

Y: Ella calm down it's ok, breathAh: sorryY: you don't have to apologize it's not your fault when you have panick attacksAh: okY: Do you wanna go to the mall and get somethings?Ah: sure

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Your outfit ^

Ahiellas outfit ^

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Ahiellas outfit ^

Doctor: Kobe Morris?
D: yes that is us
Doctor: he is in room 235
M: ok thank you

K: oh hey guys! I'm surprised to see you
M: damn you got beat up by a girl!?
K: shutup man
V: you shouldn't have raped her sister
K: I know and I'm sorry idk what I was thinking
D: well tell that to her not us
M: yeah lol
Aya: well I don't like you nor do I care about you, I hope you die in this hospital. I only came because I have nothing else to do.
V: that was a little harsh
Aya: it was supposed to be :)
D: period queennnnn
Aya: lol
K: can one of you guys stay with me for the night?
all: no
K: why☹️
M: we don't like you LOL we just came to see how you were doing
V: yeah
D: well let's go guys
All: k

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