𝑚𝑦 𝑛𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑒 🤦🏾‍♀️

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D: Derek
M: Mike
Aya: Aya
A: Ah
V: Vallyk
K: Kobe
Y or Y/n : Y/n

after the movie
Y: Ok Ahiella let's go, Aya do you wanna sleep at my house?
Aya: sur-
Aya was cut off by Derek mf Trendz
D: It is to late for you guys to go out
Ah: boy who are you talkin to we teenagers
Y: Ella shutup he's right
Ah: ok
Aya: where are we gon sleep tho?
D: well y/n can sleep with me
Ah: what about us? 🙄
Y: Ahiella I need to talk to you NOW
M: oOoO girl you in trouble
Ah: I ain't scared of her
V: sounds like your scared to me :)
Ah: shutup
upstairs in the bathroom
Ah: ok what did you want?
Y: why are you being so rude to Derek
Ah: I didn't think I was being rude
Y: well you were, so quit it please I really like him

Mike was listening to the conversation so when he heard y/n say that he came in the room

M: you like Derek? Seriously man
Y: yeah, why?
M: I thought you liked me
Y: Mike your my bestfriend that would be awkward
M: oh

you all go back downstairs

Aya: ok so y/n is sleeping with Derek what about us?
K: Ahiella you can sleep with me 😏
Ah: um ok
Y: Kobe don't try nun with her
K: girl please
they all laugh
V: Aya you can sleep with me
Aya: ok :)

everyone goes to sleep
but you and Derek are still up

D: y/n do you wanna watch a movie
Y: no I kind of want to watch Disney channel
D: ok
Disney Channel: • your watching Disney channel then bunk'd came on
( I haven't been on there in so long do they even still show bunkd ? 💀)

you lay on his chest and y'all fall asleep

everyone was now sleep except Kobe and Ahiella

K: hey Ahiella?
Ah: yeah?
K: can I tell you something and you wont tell y/n?
Ah: sure I guess
kobe walked to her and punched her, she screamed in pain
(I'm sorry for what I'm bout to do 😔)
K: don't make a sound!
Ah: ok sorry
K: sorry what?
Ah: sorry Kobe
Ah: sorry d-daddy
K: much better

Ah: please stop
K: no
Kobe took off Ahiellas shirt and pants so she was in a bra and underwear. Kobe then took off his shirt,pants, and boxers.
K: take off your bra and underwear
Ah: n-no
Kobe slapped her
Ah: ok sorry
she took off EVERYTHING.
Long smut short they did the deed
K: don't tell ANYONE about this
Ah: I won't..

skip to the morning

Y: good morning baby
D: good morning
Y: ima go check on Ahiella
D: ok
you walk to Kobe's room to see Kobe sleep and Ahiella looking scared
Y: um Ahiella what's wrong
Ah: n-nothing
Y: I know something is wrong you look scared, what happened?
Ah: I said nothing
Y: did Kobe do something
Kobe woke up
Y: Kobe, did you do something to my sister?
K: no why
Y: Ella did he do anything to you?
Kobe gave her a death stare
Ah: y-yes he r-raped me
Derek ran into the room
D: what happened
Y: Kobe raped my damn sister
D: what!? are you ok?
Ah: yeah I'm fine
Y: no your not fine you got raped and your only 15




My corner :
If y'all read that smut y'all are nasty af like I know it wasn't really a smut but still. On tiktok I see Dereks new "friend" and I know I'll never have a chance with him but still. She's so pretty like damn he hit a jack pot. Sorry for not writing in a long time but I haven't been on Wattpad a lot well I have but I've been reading not writing.

678 words

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