☆ Distraction ☆

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(610 words)
No one's P.o.v

Jungkook and Jimin barged into the room his father was located. Jungkook was freaking out. Ever since his mother was killed by a rival gang 3 years ago(I don't know if I mentioned her yet) he is on edge, he doesn't want to be parent less, his father is his only actual family.

Jungkook quickly ran to his father when he seen him sitting down in a bed. "What the fuck happened!?" Jungkook yelled frantically. "Ateez happened...Again. This time it was worse, they knew exactly where to enter without any guards noticing." Namjoon informed. Giving a girl help who was patching up Sungjin.

"There is definitely a traitor among us. They knew where our fault was Jungkook, they stole thousands of dollars from it." Sungjin said groaning at the pain from his side.

"FUCK! Well are you okay?" Jungkook asked frustrated. Sungjin nodded, looking at his side. "I was shot in the side but it was easy to get the bullet out."

"How could we have not seen it coming, we always used to!" Jungkook said pacing around. They are the best protected mafia group in Busan. No one dared target them unless they had a death with and now it's now easy to get in their headquarters? Hell no somethings definitely wrong.

"I don't know but we aren't slacking around anymore like we used to. It's serious, they obviously want something and they aren't going to stop until they get it. And Jungkook I don't know what's making you distracted but you need figure yourself out. You have been gone both times we were attack. It's dangerous to be alone at night or messing around now that Ateez know where we stay. Get a hold of yourself." Jungkook sighed, wiping his face harshly.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Is there a girl? Boy?"

Jungkook looked down not answering. "You know it's dangerous to mess around with someone outside the mafia." Jungkook knows that but Taehyung is something else.

He is special, he makes him feel like someone who isn't a cold blooded killer. Telling him about the mafia could put him in danger and Jungkook can't have that. He knows Taehyung is the one distracting him.

He knows it going to be hard and hurt a person he cares a lot for but he needs to stay away from him, he just has to. "I know, I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me but I will get myself together."

"Good to hear it now, you and Jimin will- wait where is Jimin?"

In another room

"You idiots! I told you to get the money and go, there was no need to hurt anyone!"


"I don't care if you saw him near the vault or not, you brought attention to yourselves and they know there is a traitor."


"If I get caught, you two are the first people I will put bullets in!"


"Good now figure it out goodbye, I will give you more information later-"

"Jimin?" He was startled by Jungkook's voice. "Jesus Jungkook you scared me." Jimin said turning around, putting his phone away. "Who was that."

"I was trying to leads who was giving Ateez information but I got nothing." Jimin said with a very loud and deep gulp.

"Oh well Sungjin wants us to go scout out the area and make sure Ateez left."

"Why is?"

"Because we are his trusted men, no questions, let's go." They walked out and grabbed a gun, scouting the place out. What Jungkook didn't notice and he was getting watched the whole time with a dirty look just right behind him.

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