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No one's P.o.v

"Mom I'm home!" Taehyung yelled when he walked into his front door. He laid his bag next to the door and took of his shoes, setting them on the rack.

"Mom?" He asked because he didn't get a response. "I'm in the kitchen honey!" He heard his mom yell and he went into the kitchen, seeing his mom hovering over a pan with a spatula. Cooking what seemed like dinner.

"Hi mom." He kissed her on the head and sat on the island. "I Taebear, how was school?" She asked taking the hot pan and putting the food on two plates. "It was good." He answered. He said 'thank you' to his mother when she handed him a plate.

"How was the school itself? Did you you meet new people? Are the teachers nice? Make any friends?" She bombarded him with questions but he didn't mind.

"Uhm the school was okay, I got smothered by a lot of people when I first walked into the enterence though. I did meet new people. Six people actually." She looked at her son kind of surprised.

"Six. Really? Are they nice? Are they your friends?" Taehyung hummed, taking a bite of his dinner. He moaned at the taste. He always loved his mothers cooking.

"Uh yeah they are, they are really nice. And yes they are my friends. At least I think they are." He took a drink of his water, his mom handed him before sitting down herself and eating.

"Oh that's good. What are their names?" She asked another question. Which was logical, she would like to know the names of the people that are going to start hanging around her son.

"Uh the first two I met, their names were Jungkook and Jimin. The others I met, Jungkook and Jimin introduced me to, thier names were Namjoon, he was really kind, he seemed really smart. Uhm then there was Jin, Namjoon's boyfriend. He-"

"Wait....Boyfriend? You mean they are gay?" She asked and Taehyung nodded. "Yeah Jin is gay and Namjoon is pan-does that really matter?" Taehyung asked chuckling and her mother joined.

"No sorry, continue bub." She calmed her laugh and prepared herself to listen again. "Okay. Where was I? Oh! Uhm Jin. Right. He was very kind, he kind of had this mother aura around him. He even told me to call him Eomma if it felt necessary." She laughed thinking of that conversation.

"Then Yoongi, he was kind of quiet except he liked picking on Hoseok. It was interesting to watch. Then lastly Hoseok who I've mentioned. He was very loud, the others call him sunshine because he is always happy. Then I already told you about the other two. They were very fun to talk to. They said I could become their best friend with time. It made me feel giddy."

Mrs. Kim smiled listening to her son talk about school and the students happily for once. Lets just say Taehyung's school wasn't a walk in the park for him. He was bullied for being gay. That school was known for being homophobic. And once He came out as gay it went downhill.

Mrs. Kim obviously was okay with it. She knew he was gay since he was 6. He used to dress in her dresses and high heels and call himself a princess. She accepted it immediatly.

Once she found out her son was being bullied because he came out she had to get him out of there. Plus her job had moved locations and it so happened to be in Busan so it was a perfect opportunity. Taehyung was more than happy about it.

"How are Jungkook and Jimin personally or individually?" She asked standing up and grabbing their emty dinner plates and putting them in the dish washer.

"They are both equally kind but I can sense they are both secretive people. I don't know if it's their dark aura or what but they are both very sweet. Plus I kind of thought Jungkook was cute." Taehgung mumbled the last sentence. He knew his mom would make a big deal out of it. And thats exactly what she did.

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