𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"So that's it? No more karate?" Demetri asked Miguel as the four sat in the library

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"So that's it? No more karate?" Demetri asked Miguel as the four sat in the library. After Sadie and Moon ditched the dance, Miguel had gotten beaten up pretty bad by Kyler and his friends. It freaked his mom out and she'd made him stop attending.

"I guess so." Miguel frowned. Sadie leaned back in her chair with a sigh, seeing how down he was.

"It's probably for the best." Demetri said with a minor nod of his head, "It was starting to boost your confidence."

"Demetri, would you shut up?" Sadie asked him with a roll of her eyes, slipping her pen around her fingers quickly. Eli attempted to do the same and only had his flying across the table and hitting Miguel.

"Isn't that a good thing?" Miguel questioned Demetri with a odd look.

"No." the lanky boy said in disbelief, "What has confidence ever gotten anybody except for a black eye and their backpack thrown in the trash?"

"Laid." Sadie said with a snort as Miguel looked at her in disbelief.

"Well, I thought it was kinda cool how you stood up to Kyler." Eli spoke a moment later as he looked to Miguel with a half smile, having his pen handed back to him.

"Are you insane?" Demetri asked him in disbelief.

"Don't call him insane!" Sadie scolded the dark haired boy.

"Let me ask you. What is the best superpower anyone could have?" Demetri questioned as he looked around at the four with curious eyes.

"Super strength." Miguel confirmed as Sadie gave him a judged look.

"Wrong. Invisibility." Demetri said as he pointed the end of his pencil at him.

"Invisibility could come in handy. Like if you're running from the cops, you wouldn't have to risk having you lung give out on you." Sadie nodded her head, propping her head up on her elbow with a shrug.

"See, Sadie gets it." Demetri nodded toward the girl, "A distant second would be super speed to run away fast."

"Run away from who?" Kylers voice rung as he placed a hand on Eli's shoulder. Sadie knocked it off nearly immediately as she stared at the boy in disbelief.

"Whom." Brucks corrected his friend with a nod, "It's the object of a preposition. Remember English Class."

"Maybe if he bothered to take his eyes off of Samantha LaRussos rack long enough he'd know." Sadie snapped with a nasty glare their way. Demetri grabbed her shoulder and yanked her up quickly.

"We were just leaving." Miguel confirmed as Demetri pulled Sadie around the table.

"Oh, look at this freak." Kyler laughed as he grabbed Eli by the face and gawked at his scar, "Oh, shit! What kind of girl would ever kiss this shit?"

Sadie threw her backpack over Eli's head so it fell on Kyler. He threw it back at her as Sadie groaned, "What? Last time I checked you got your ass kicked, you really wanna start another fight?"

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