chapter 8

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Chapter 8

i'm sorry for the late update. as you read this, you must know that i'll try my best to write fight scene.

Disclaimer: Khr dont belong to me

The guardians gather at Namimori Mountain as they promised with Tsuna. They just have to wait for Tsuna to show himself.

“Chrome, you stay with Lambo. Let’s us fight Tsuna,” said Mukuro as he pats Chrome’s shoulder.

“Lambo wants to fight too,” protests Lambo.

“What if you gets hurt, Lambo?” asked Yamamoto.

“Lambo is a big boy now. Lambo wants to free Tsuna,” yelled Lambo but at that moment Chrome spins his head, facing her.

“Lambo, please obey. Don’t make things harder than it already has. This world Boss is different from our Boss. He could kill you without hesitation. Remember Boss’s word, we all protect each other,” said Chrome, trying to reason with Lambo. Lambo looks at Chrome’s eye and slightly nods. His face looks sullen. Suddenly, Gokudera ruffle his hair.

“Don’t worry. We will find a way to return home,” said Gokudera, slightly smiles.

“That brings tears to my eyes,” a voice sound between their conversation. The voice belongs to someone that they recognized so much. They diverted their eyes only to see Tsuna standing farther opposite from them, with his hand crossed against his chest. His face as usual, void of emotion. But something is absence, Ken and Chikusa.

“Where’s Ken and Chikusa?” asked Chrome nervously. She tightly hugs Lambo, almost suffocating him.

“Owh, them. They at the grocery buying snack. It been a while since I get engaged in the fight,” Tsuna said while smiling his icy smile.

“1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Only five of you will fight? I was so agitated to fight 7 of you. But anyways, it doesn’t matter. After I finished you, I finished them as well,” said Tsuna as he enters the battle ground, later follows by the guardians.

“Glad I make it in time,” exclaims Ken as he huffing for air. Chikusa is then arrived bringing a whole bag of candies, chips and various other snacks.

“I’m glad you make it in time,” Tsuna smile at Ken and Chikusa and both of them nods before taking their seat. The guardians only watch Tsuna interaction with Ken and Chikusa. When he smiles at them, it is different smile he gave to them.

“Let’s start, herbivore,” threatens Hibari, enough to bring the guardian and Tsuna to their original purpose.

“You’ll come first,” said Tsuna.

Gladly hear that Hibari is the first to attack. He swipes his tonfa at Tsuna head but Tsuna successfully evade it and prepare to punch him. Hibari sees that coming use one of his tonfa to protect his gut. But at that time he sees Tsuna smirk and Tsuna’s changes his direction of punch to uppercut his jaws. Hibari drew back and spits blood to the ground. He roughly wipes the blood on his chin.

“We must fight together, Hibari,” exclaims Yamamoto only caused Hibari to glare at him, threatening them if they bother his fight, he’ll make them pay.

“Too slow,”said Tsuna before disappear from his previous position only to reappear in front of Hibari and throwing punch right at his chest. Hibari backed away while holding his chest. Chest has always been his problem since he always suffers asthma during his childhood.

But Tsuna didn’t finish just like that. He continues to strike Hibari and some of them hearing cracking sound as Tsuna punches Hibari. Before he able to give his last strike that maybe end Hibari’s life, his strike is stopped by bamboo sword. Tsuna could see how Yamamoto glares at him before he kicks Hibari away, landing near to Chrome and Lambo.

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