Ending Author's Note

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Well that's the end of True Beauty. I really hope you enjoyed it!

Feel free to leave me some questions if you have any about the story. I would love to talk to you guys since I'm quarantined! (Yay)

Also feel free to go back and read from the beginning now that the story is completed. Feel free to leave comments wherever you want.

To be honest, I didn't know how this story would end. But I had the last chapter written a long time ago, I just didn't know it would be the last.

I started writing True Beauty in 2018 for NaNoWriMo. I basically wrote out all the ideas I had in my brain and then went back and filled in around them.

And believe it or not, I'm actually not a huge fan of DC comics. I don't know why I decided to write this fanfiction like it is, since I don't know that much about it, but I liked the idea of having a teenage Damian learning to love after his terrible childhood. And having a kind and understanding girl to fall in love with him just made sense.

The gala and Penguin robbery scenes were the first full-length scenes I wrote and thought of. I kind of built the story around those scenes.

And I know the last three chapters aren't the best, I might go back and edit and change those when I have a good idea for those.

I also have an idea for a sequel in this little universe I created. (The idea is for another superhero's son love story.)

I'm so glad that you've read my book. I hope that you continue to support me and my writing, even if it's not DC fanfiction. Check out my series I have going on, Little Detective (book 1) and Little Romantic (book 2).

Again thank you so much for reading True Beauty.

With as much love as you deserve,



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