Chapter 6: Friends

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"What do you mean, you gave him your number?" Ryeanne asked in disbelief. "What have I told you."

"You see this is why I waited a couple of days to tell you," Lindsey said putting her head in her hands.

It was Friday and Lindsey was ready for the weekend. She had been swamped with her Art drawings, the first two were easy, but these latest ones were harder. She had to draw Damian's family and where he grew up. Miss Blakeman told them today was going to be easy so they can turn in the portfolios at the end of class today.

Lindsey and Ryeanne were in the school's courtyard, alone. They were sitting at a table underneath a tree. It was time for their dance class, and the teacher's kid was sick so the substitute let them do whatever they wanted. The two asked if they could go outside and get some fresh air.

"You should have told me once you did or you should have told me before you gave him your number," Ryeanne said.

"I don't have your number, Ryeanne," Lindsey pointed out. "I gave it to him when I was at his house working on a project for our Art class."

Ryeanne's mouth was gapping open as she was staring at Lindsey. She was frozen in place and Lindsey sighed. She was getting prepared for Ryeanne's freak out. Lindsey thought maybe saying whatever came to her mind around Ryeanne was a bad idea.

"You were at Wayne manor, with Damian?" Ryeanne whispered as she was looking around.
"What are you looking for?" Lindsey asked looking around the courtyard. "We are in this courtyard alone. No one has followed us out here. All the other students are in class."

"Just answer the question!" Ryeanne said as she hit Lindsey's arm.

"Yeah, I was at Wayne Manor, I had to draw the sword he had in his room for the pr-"

"You were in his room?" Ryeanne asked gripping Lindsey's shoulders. "What did you to do in there?"

"We worked on our drawings," Lindsey said quickly. "He was at his desk, I was sitting on the floor next to his door. We were on opposite sides of the room from each other. Nothing else happened."

"Was his dad there? Does his dad know you were even there?" Ryeanne asked.

"His father and their butler were both out of town, we were there alone," Lindsey said.
Ryeanne screamed. Lindsey fell off her seat and lay in the grass.

"You were alone?" Ryeanne screamed. "I can't believe you! I never thought you were the girl to do that."

"Do what?" Lindsey screamed. "Sit in complete silence? Work on drawings? Give someone my number? Ryeanne. Even if it was for this week, being around him has been nice. He's been decent to me, he's been patient. And we haven't even texted anything to each other besides stuff the other needs for our project. It's not a big deal. I'm going to delete his number after we turn in our projects."

Ryeanne stared at Lindsey in shock. In the week she has known Lindsey, she has not raised her voice or gotten defensive. This girl really was different from everyone else at the school.

Everyone at the school was either too quiet, too defensive, or too annoying. Lindsey was quiet, defensive, and cool. Maybe Damian saw that too? Maybe Damian was finally trying to get to know someone? Only God knew.

"Well if that's all that's going on, then I guess you're good. Give me your phone," Ryeanne held her hand out so Lindsey could hand it over to her.

Lindsey got out of the grass and sat back down. She opened her backpack and pulled the phone out and unlocking it. She placed it in Ryeanne's open palm and watched as she began typing into it.

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