Chapter 5: Home

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The final bell rung and Damian finally looked up from his drawing. 

The two of them didn't say a word to each other while Damian drew. Lindsey just stared at him as he did his work. Damian enjoyed the attention for once. He didn't know what it was about this girl that made him want to act different.

"Do you have all you need?" Damian asked as he put the sketchbook in his backpack.

"I think so," Lindsey said. "Let me check really quick." She opened her backpack to look for everything she needed. Once she was done, she nodded.

"Let's go," Damian said. He walked out the door, leaving Lindsey to catch up.

She ran down the hall after him. He went out the back door where other upper-classmen were headed. Once outside Lindsey saw the parking lot full of students cars. Many were expensive and new, they were probably the rich kid's cars. In the mix were older, more beat up cars. And then there was a shiny red motorcycle propped up next to a light post away from the rest of the vehicles. That was where Damian was making his way to.

Lindsey ran after him after she had stopped to look at the expensive cars. By the time Lindsey caught up with Damian he was putting his backpack in a compartment underneath the seat.

Lindsey stared at the motorcycle. Was she sure she wanted to do this? Did she need to see this sword in person? Could she just get his number and have him send her a picture?

All these thoughts ran through her head as Damian mounted the bike. Was it a thing that if someone sat on a motorcycle they got sexier? Because in the case of Damian Wayne, it was very true.

"Well get on," Damian said as he looked at Lindsey.

"Is it safe?" she asked hesitantly.

"Motorcycles are completely safe, they wouldn't have licenses for them if they weren't," Damian said. Lindsey could tell he was getting irritated. 

"Should we be wearing helmets or something?" Lindsey asked.

Damian rolled his eyes and pulled a helmet from the opposite side of the bike.

"You're going to be wearing the helmet," Damian said as he held it out to her. "I'll be fine without one."

Lindsey stared at the helmet then to Damian. "Isn't it illegal to ride a motorcycle without one?"

"Tt. Only if they want to stop Bruce Wayne's son and fight against our lawyers," Damian rolled his eyes.

Lindsey placed the helmet on her head and did up the strap. Damian didn't want to admit it to himself, but she looked beautiful, even in a clunky helmet. Maybe it had to do with the helmet being his. He shook his head when she wasn't looking.

"So I just get on behind you?"

"Unless you want to drive."

"No, I'm good."

Lindsey walked up next to him. Where she was supposed to sit was raised a little bit higher that Damian's seat. That's when she realized, she was wearing a skirt! There was no way to get on this metal machine without someone getting a peep show.

"No one is looking," Damian said.


"No one is looking at us, they all have tunnel vision once the bell rings. They just want to get home. So no one is going to be watching you as they get on the bike. So hurry up."

"Okay, you're right. Everything is fine." Lindsey went to swing her leg over but realized she was going to have to hold onto Damian's shoulder. "I can hold onto you while I get on, right?"

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