"Sir yes sir"

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~~Continuing on Hellbent Babysitter~~
"Do you need help there?"
• I don't own the characters, nor do I own you
• I only own the plot
• Enjoy~ ;>
Your eyes darted up to the red headed figure that stood in front of you. He was tall, and when you said tall, you meant tall tall. His 6'6 stature was bent over your fallen form, waiting for you to take his hand.

With his help, you got back on your feet and stepped back, taking a good look at his tanned face. His left eye was scarred, leaving 3 diagonal lines for the world to see. He wore a half-unbuttoned button-up shirt that exposed his chest and upper abs, paired with loose brown pants that were fitted at the waist.

You sighed and nodded solemnly, "I'm here to be caretaker for new and incoming baby demons. I really thought I was gonna get the judgement job, but nooooo, that crippled flamingo decided to give me a job as a caretaker." Your tail flickered even more in annoyance at the thought of the tall blonde haired bird-man, making you sneer.

The red-haired man that helped you up laughed at the nickname and patted your shoulder, "Oh, caretaker's not that bad. Plus, you'll get to see Luffy! And I have to applaud you on your bravery. Not many dare to comment on Dof."

You looked at the man questionably, "And who's Luffy exactly?" The latter immediately sidetracked, realizing you haven't met the bundle of chaos yet, "Luffy's sorta my nephew...son...ish. He's Garp's grandson, but takes more of a liking to me!~"

Garp. Garp had a grandson. Holy shit.

"Garp has a grandson? How come I never knew? He's been my old man since, well, since I was shot out of whatever hole I came from. How come he never told me about his grandson?" You were shocked, and you felt a bit betrayed. That old man was your only family, yet he had never told you anything else about his own.

"Yup, but I don't think he wanted to worry you with the little rascal. Knowing him, he probably wanted you to worry about your own life and take it easy...but for you to be here, you might've been taking it a bit too easy." You sighed at his words, he was most likely right. You'll just have to ask Jii-chan about Luffy later.

"I guess you're right. Ever since I gave up my role as succubus, I've been lounging around my house, eating, taking shits, all that good stuff. But I never really went anywhere besides my bedroom or kitchen." You looked at the man in front of you, watching as he snickered at your statement.

"I honestly can't blame you," he chuckled. "I would've done the same if I was enabled by the higher ups to quit my job. But here we play important roles, and if we don't do them, everything will be worse off than it already is."

The red-haired man then gave you a lopsided smile, "You would've been a great succubus though, your way with words is...interesting." Your slitted eyes wondered up to his own, and your face couldn't help but warm up a bit as you tried to deny.

"Wha-whatever. I never cared for manipulating others. Do you know where the caretaking facility is? My brain can't maneuver around such a big space." Your face was flushed pink, and your efforts to look away were futile.

Shanks gave a low chuckle to the look on your face and decided to let it slide...for now at least. "Alright, the facility is two halls down, a turn to the right, and a little ways straight from the hall you turned right into. Once you're there, you'll find a sign that points to the facility. There's going to be a portal, so take that for easy travel. I'll see you around doll, and if you ever need me, call out the name Shanks." With a wink, he waved you off and disappeared into a portal he whipped up out of nowhere.

"I wish I could whip up my own portal," you pouted as you waved him off at the same time. Whispering to yourself the directions to the said facility, you found yourself in front of a sign like he said. There was then a glowing red portal situated in the middle of a dark room, eerie enough to make you shit a month's worth of food.

Heavily sighing at your situation, your legs led you through the portal and into a barely lit building, "what the fuck." Walking into the building, you were greeted with nothing but dozens upon dozens of dust particles, dim yellow-bulbed lit rooms, moldy desks and chairs, and walls infested with ancient creepy crawlies who've been inhabiting this building for who knows how long.

"What the hell are kids supposed to do here? Play with centipedes and eat crickets?" Your eyes wandered along the different stains that were splashed along the walls, some of which looked like coffee/other liquid stains, but most of them looked like blood from violent fights.

At this point in time, your eyes, fingers, brows...basically your whole body was twitching and itching in annoyance, "I SWEAR IF THAT DAMNED PINK-FEATHERED CHICKEN SET ME UP LIKE THIS, I'M GONNA PLUCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE FEATHERS ONE BY ONE AND SHOVE THEM DOWN HIS THROAT, STABBING HIM IN THE PROCESS."

Then, something crashed. You heard a few things get knocked over, so you figured, 'why the hell not find out what happened while endangering myself in an unknown building.'

<|Author's Note|>
Y'all I'm so sorry for not posting very much.
I've been trying to work on paintings for my AP class junior year. I hope you guys can forgive me 😭🤚🏼
I hope you like the chapter so far, the next one might be posted later next week or the week after

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