Shipping Problems

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Leo- OH MY GOSH!! I ship Capricorn and Virgo!!

Pisces: What's shipping?

Gemini- When you think two people should date!!

Virgo- What the hell is going on in here?

Aquarius: Who decided to do this conversation on group chat with BOTH Virgo AND Capricorn here

Capricorn: Leo, why?

Scorpio: I just saw this and can't stop laughing. Caprigo!!!

Leo- I also ship Cancer and Taurus! Because they are both mean!

Cancer- Do you have a death wish?

Leo- O.O No, ma'am!

Sagittarius: I ship.... Johnlock?

Capricorn: Good answer.

Leo- I ship Scorpio and Aries!!

Virgo- Can't you just say that you think they would make a cute couple? What do you even mean by ship? Are you going to buy us a ship and then name it that? Because that would be a terrible idea.

Capricorn: I don't know. A boat would be nice. So would the money it took to buy it.

Scorpio: Same here, Leo. Same here.

Aries- Stop shipping me!!

Virgo- We'll take the money.

Leo- And use it for the wedding? ;D

Libra: can everybody just calm down? Besides, I only have $10

Pisces: Wedding? You do resize none of us our out of school yet, right?

Capricorn: *are

Pisces: Shut up.

Capricorn: Also *realize

Gemini- I wanna ship!!

Virgo- Want to**

Gemini- I also want a ship!!

Cancer- Go ship with Leo... or whatever.

Scorpio: She'll just change her mind about it later

Pisces: Guys, do you ever get the feeling someone is looking at you through you're window?

Sagittarius: Yeah.

Pisces: Well do you look outside and see an idiot staring at you taking a picture of your scared reaction.

Capricorn: Stop being so sensitive.

Cancer- Sorry, that was me... I am staring from my window into your taking random pictures. -_-

Virgo- I am going to go clean my house.

Capricorn: I have to work on a resume. Bye.

Aquarius: Cancer, what the hell?

Sagittarius: Don't scare Pisces! He is like a sensitive little puppy that pees everywhere

Pisces: ..... What?

Leo- You two are always cleaning and working! How are you going to have time to get married!?

Capricorn: I wasn't aware we were dating outside of you're little fantasy

Scorpio: Aries, Taurus, what do you guys think? CapriGo or CapriNo?

Capricorn: DAMN! I MEANT YOUR FANTASY! Not you're

Virgo- We are not dating.

Leo- Caprigo!

Gemini- Caprigo for the win!!

Capricorn: I know we aren't. I have to work. You have to clean. Talk to you later

Virgo- Goodbye, Capricorn.

Pisces: What about the fact Sagi called me a puppy that pees everywhere?

Scorpio: Pisces, it's cool. Besides, you are a more like a wolf pup.

End of Shipping Problems

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