Chapter 3

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AN: A lot of the dialogue and other words are by Kayley. I didn't edit it that much, maybe broke up a couple of sentences into smaller ones, and added detail here and there.

They ended up going downtown to Ramirez's, a fancy restaurant that was the crime scene for this case. They were careful not to disturb anything as they entered- it was a murder scene after all.
Casey saw Von Karma talking to a guy in a chef's uniform. The head chef of the place, probably. He would most likely be on the witness stand tomorrow.
Kristen glanced around the restaurant. She didn't go out much, especially to fancy places like this. The lights were slightly dimmed, and smooth jazz played in the background, although the restaurant was empty. She gazed in the direction of a blue-haired girl, who looked about 18, talking to a chef. "Is that her?" She whispered.
"So we approach her now?" Kristen asked. She was a bit unsure, the girl had a whip with her for goodness sakes.
"I don't know." Casey replied, but they must have looked suspicious, because Franziska was coming over to them.

Kristen watched the girl come towards them. Her walk was confident, and slightly intimidating. "Excuse me miss?" She asked. "Would you happen to be the adoptive sister of a local prosecutor?"
Casey facepalmed. "Baka-San!"
Franziska stared at them like they were both crazy. "Excuse me?" She said, a bit bewildered.
Kristen gave Casey a "what-did-I-say-something-wrong?" look. "Oh, you're not her, are you?" She blushed.
Casey facepalmed again.
"Well, if you're looking for Franziska Von Karma, I am her... That was just an unusual way to start the conversation." She replied.
"Edgeworth. It's about Edgeworth." Casey said with a face similar to 😑.
Franziska's face changed completely. "What?"
"Your brother." Kristen said in a very business like manner, which made Casey facepalm again. "He has been missing for a couple days now and we were thinking you might know where he is." She gave Von Karma a friendly smile, praying she wouldn't pull out her whip.
"Yes, I know about all this. And I'm sorry to say, I'm just as lost as you two."
"So what? You're just going to give up?" Kristen snapped out of her professional manner. She had been kidnapped once and nobody had bothered looking for her. She remembered how terrified she had been, waiting for a rescue, but none came.
Von Karma took a step back, and reflexively put her hand on her whip, although she wasn't planning to use it. "Hey. Hey. I'm not saying I've given up. I'm saying I don't know any more than you two. And I also happen to be investigating a murder right now."
"So you think you should be helping a dead guy instead of your own brother?" Kristen raised an eyebrow. She didn't mean to sound so harsh but she just couldn't stand the thought of someone else being kidnapped.
"You've GOT to be kidding me. Only a complete fool would dare stick their foolish noses into other people's business."
"Um, no? I'm completely serious!" Kristen faltered a little as she saw Franziska pull out her whip. She wasn't going to use it, was she?
Franziska noticed she had taken her whip off her belt, and replaced it. "You've got this all wrong- this isn't about-" She was failing to finish sentences now? This girl...
Kristen cocked her head. "I've got what wrong, miss?" She asked politely.
Franziska just left the restaurant, not saying another word to the foolish girl. She really didn't want to lose her temper...
"Greeeeeaaaat. Casey moaned. she didn't mean to offend Kristen- she just couldn't help herself.
"What? What did I do?" Kristen asked innocently.
"No, it's just... This entire situation." Casey thought for a moment. "She's probably going back to her office, we should catch up. Edgeworth's office is in the same building, so we could look there too." She decided.
Kristen agreed, and they left the restaurant as well, leaving a very confused chef standing there waiting to be given directions from someone.

AN: Don't worry, he wasn't kidnapped. 😉 Wow, this part was long...

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