Chapter 6

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Franziska combed her hair in front of the mirror in her own apartment. She only had a little bit of time to make herself presentable before the trial, so she had to go as fast as she could. She felt bad about lying to Casey, but she really didn't want to trouble her any more than she already had. Besides, she pretty much knew everything she needed to about the case in order to win. She knew Edgeworth would never do this... She knew her brother would come back. She just knew it.
She went to her desk and picked up the folder that held her copy of the Court Record, and left to go to the trial.

Casey's phone alarm went off, and she looked up from her work. She rinsed glue off her hands, grabbed her stuff, and set out to go to the trial. There was no way in heck she was missing this.

June 21st, 11:26 am
Courtroom Lobby number Three

Phoenix found Franziska as they were going into the courtroom.
"Hey." He said, somewhat sheepishly. "I, um...Heard about what happened the other night."
Franziska gave him the same 'I'm fine' smile she used for Casey. "Don't worry about me. Worry about your client." The smile changed into a smirk, and she confidently walked into the courtroom.

Casey was just a bit late, and everyone was there when she took her seat next to Gumshoe, but court hadn't started yet. Gumshoe looked like he had been up all night. She elbowed him. "Hey."
"Oh, hey, Casey..." He replied. She figured he was probably still upset about the events of last night.
The judge entered, and court began.

AN: that last part is kind of filler because I didn't want a super-short part 😑 I hoped you all liked the chapter! Let me know if you have any ideas for stories. Thanks~

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