Part 10: Changing

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Jughead's POV

I woke up in his arms, the arms I've missed for the last month, than the pain sat in, the pain of his teeth in my neck.

Almost sucking me dry.

It hurts, the feeling, I knew it made him happy so I let him.

"Ow." I mumble, he loosened a little bit but didn't let up, "Pea- Your draining me." I warn slightly, than he pulled up, "I know, that's the point, I'm turning you." He said with a small smirk on his full lips.

"I- What?" I ask slightly confused. Turning me?

He groaned, "I'm a hybrid so I'm changing you into a vampire, for me to do so I have to basically drain you than pump you full of my blood, than snap your neck, pretty cool." He finished.

I gulp, I did kinda want this, I shifted to get more comfortable, "This is going to hurt, it's going to feel like there's sandpaper rubbing against your insides." Sweet Pea mumbled.

He bit back down, "Plus side for me--" He started, "--You taste so good." He finished his fangs piercing me again.

I cry out and start to feel the so called sandpaper, "It hurts." I whine, he didn't stop, killing me it feels like.

Than it stops, the pain of his teeth anyway.

I hear him bite his own wrist than shove it into my mouth, "I know it's nasty, just- just drink it, you have to do it for a while so just try to relax.." He whispered rubbing my head.

I feel like I want to throw up, I start coughing, he pulls away for a second, I swallow some of the blood in my mouth before I start coughing.

"Hey, I know." Sweet Pea whispered before putting his wrist back in front of me.

I take it in my mouth so not to piss him off.

It was nasty but I did what I had to, to make the love of my life happy.

I started drinking it until I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled his wrist away and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"This is so so nasty." I whine, Sweet Pea looked a little upset but mostly proud.

"Agreed, that's why I drink human blood, your doing gre-" Before he could finish the sentence I kissed him, I loved making him happy, he was my life now.

I looked at him, his brown eyes, his dark hair, his amazing neck tattoo, I smile at him.

"I'm sorry baby, this is going to be the worse part, when- when you wake up.." He trailed off looking anywhere but me, "When I wake up what?" I asked kind of nervous.

Sweet Pea sighed, "You'll need human blood and your neck will probably hurt." Sweet Pea started caressing my cheek with his thumb.

"I don't know how to make it easy Jug, I love you and I don't want to hurt you but I have to, I want to be with you forever and this is the only way I know how." He said smiling, I smiled back.

His hands reach up to me, that's the last thing I remember.

Sweet Pea's POV

I reach my hands up and snap his neck the loud crack filling the room's silence.

I gulp and stand up covering him up with the blanket for when he waked up, I call Toni, "Hey can you come over? I turn Jug and he needs human blood to fully transform." I hung up before I got her response.

Aka her yelling at me, I knew she would come, Topaz rolled like that.

She showed up and just walked in, "Where is he?" She demanded, "Hello to you do." I smile, she just starred at me, "He's in the bedroom." I say rolling my eyes.

She ran in and she screamed, "WHO'S BLOOD?" She screamed, "MINE!" I scream back pushing myself up and walking over to her, "Mine Topaz chill." I sigh walking over to Jug.

I climb into the bed and and pull him closer to my chest, "I didn't want to hurt him." I whisper, I see the bite mark slowly healing, I smile, "He's alive." I whisper.

Jughead jumped up gasping for air and scratching at his neck, I smile at him, "Welcome back baby." I smile, he smiled at me and looked at the ground.

"I want you to have my pups, and it's weird but yes two males can have pups, oh and you being a vampire makes it possible-", "WAIT, overwhelmed." Jughead whispered grabbing my arm, "Shit sorry." I fake laugh.

Toni walks over and cuts her arm slightly, "Be careful, don't kill me." Toni half jokes, Jug doesn't want to at first but he bites down slightly and takes some of her blood he seems to like it.

I can tell he won't be a ripper, like me.

He lets go and wipes his mouth, "I don't want to hurt anyone, can I drink animal blood?" Jug asked, I nod slightly and kiss him.

I taste Toni's blood on his tongue which for some reason is hot.

I pull away and look at Topaz, "Your blood is great, can I have some?" I half joke crawling closer, she rolled her eyes, "I'm serious with you DONT. KILL. ME." Toni said.

I roll my eyes and bite down, probably harder than Jug hints the whine she let out.

I pull away and she slaps my head, "Easy next time you dick." She mumbled before covering up her arm and glancing at Jug before walking out.

Toni knew I had something to take care of.

"I feel weird-" Jughead said, I sigh and kiss him, "Woah-" He was was blushing like crazy.

"That felt different mo-more intense.." Jughead whispered pulling me back into a kiss.

I smirk and pull back slightly, "I know, why do you think I have sex so much?" I chuckle, he scoffs and kisses me again, I smirk against his lips.

"I'm hungry.." I mumble pulling away from Jug, "You just had food-", "Not for food." I say cutting him off, the craving starting to take over me senses.

"I should've ripped Toni's hand off!" I growl to myself, "PEA-" Jughead said back handing me, "Your right, shit I'm sorry.." I mumble wrapping my arms around him and falling asleep.

Flowers can be poisonous// JugPeaWhere stories live. Discover now