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"Who wants to go now?"-Author


Sakura got up and placed her hands on the orb... She hesitated for a bit before sending her chakra in

They see a older, more beautiful Sakura with a 3-year old girl with black hair and  onyx eyes and a boy with pink hair and green eyes

"You look really pretty Sakura-chan"-Hinata

"Thanks"-Sakura smiled

"How many tomatoes have you both had today?"-Sakura 

"2..."-Sarada meekly


"Tell the truth or I'll tell daddy not to come home"-Sakura

"No you can't do that.... I really want to see papa... Fine I ate 5"-Sarada pouted

"I ate 6"-Daisuke grumbled

"Oh wow they loves tomatoes"-Naruto

"Thanks for that... We really couldn't notice"-Sakura sarcastically

"Do you know what happens to little girls and boys who eat too many tomatoes?"-Sakura in a mock serious tone

"No...What happens?"-Sarada

"Their skin becomes red and they look like a tomato and nobody like those people...."-Sakura

"B-But... I don't wanna b-be a t-tomato"-Daisuke starting to cry

"Psshhhhhh... She really fell for that"-Naruto

"You can't blame her... She's 3 dobe"-Sasuke

"Hey calm down.."-Sakura

"W-what if I become a tomato and than Uncle Choji and Chocho eat me? You'll protect me right?"-Sarada crying

Choji burst out laughing..

"I would never..By the way who's chocho?"-Choji

"Maybe your kid.. Her name does start with 'Cho'"-Ino

Sakura's mouth twitched slightly

"Yes I'll protect you both with my life"-Sakura pumping her fist in the air

"Your a nice mom Sakura"-Tenten

"Thank you"-Sakura bowed

"Thanks mama"-Sarada and Daisuke hugged her


"All we know about my children is that they love tomatoes"-Sakura grinned

"Mama does papa love us?"-Sarada 

Sakura put her hands on the girl's shoulders

"Yeah of course he does... He loves us all very much"-Sakura

"But than how come he's never home?"-Daisuke

"Well.. When your dad was small he made a lot of mistakes so now he's..... atoning for his sins"-Sakura

"Poor kid"-Tenten

"Wonder who's her dad"-Ino

"What's atoning?"-Sarada

"You could say....Apologizing to people for all the bad things her did"-Sakura

"So Papa is a bad guy?"-Sarada

"The hell?"-Sakura

"No of course not.. He used to be bad but now he is good again.. He'll tell you the story himself."-Sakura

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