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Today is Junkyu and Haruto's wedding. Haruto thought of getting married with Junkyu already since they were been together for a long time already. While they're on the way to the church Haruto asked a favor. 

"Junkyu, can you take me a photo here? i kinda look cool in my suit." Haruto said jokingly. Junkyu was surprise because Haruto is not that type of person who likes taking photos, tho he have a gorgeous face. But Junkyu still did took a photo of him.

Junkyu was about to click the camera but all of a sudden a guy wearing a black suit appeared in the screen of his phone that made him drop it.

Who was it? It was Yoshinori, his ex. 

his DE4D EX.

Tears uncontrollably started to fall in Junkyu's face because he is seeing his dead EX in front of his two eyes.

"Junkyu what's wrong?? Why are you crying??" Haruto said worriedly but Junkyu didn't answer, he was so focused on what he is seeing that made his mind stop functioning.

Haruto can't see Yoshi, Junkyu is the only one who can see Yoshi.

"It can't be.." Junkyu whispered.

"What do you mean it can't be? Junkyu?" His boyfriend that will be his husband still tried to ask him but Junkyu is still silent.

"Hello Junkyu?" Yoshi said. "Are you surprised? Can you still remember me?" He asked and started laughing with an annoyed tone.

Junkyu is still speechless on what he's seeing.

"Oh yes of course. Who wouldn't remember me if YOU are the one who k1lled me." Yoshi added while smirking.


Haruto, Yoshi and Junkyu used to be bestfriends before but it got ruined because of some reasons.

Everyone knows that Yoshi liked Junkyu since they were a kid, but Yoshi didn't expect that Haruto would liked Junkyu too and Junkyu would like Yoshi back.  

In conclusion, Yoshi and Junkyu like each other.


Years have passed and Junkyu and Yoshi became one but an unexpected thing happened.

"Haruto! What are you doing?!" Yoshi shouted and punched him in the face.

But yeah, what was he doing? He was putting a poison on Junkyu's drink while he was away.

But why tho? no one knows.

"Don't touch me! Leave me alone!" Haruto shouted.

"Are you tryna kill him or something?! ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Yoshi's tone started to rise and grabbed Haruto's collar.

"Im the one who's gonna kill you." Someone said as soon as Yoshi ended his sentence.

"J-Junkyu?" Yoshi stuttered.

"Baby, its not what yo-" Yoshi didn't get to finish his sentence because of what Junkyu did.

"BANG!!" A sound of a gunshot was released. He killed his boyfriend.

You can literally see Yoshi's overflowing blood in the floor while the only thing Yoshi did is protect his boyfriend from his friend that almost killed Junkyu.

Haruto was speechless because he didn't thought that Junkyu would do that to his boyfriend.

"I never liked him ever since.." Junkyu confessed.

"I wanted him to be gone because you're the one the i like." He added.


"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?!? WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?!? I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!!!" Junkyu asked continuously.

"Junkyu? Who are you talking to? Who's dead?" You can clearly hear Haruto in the background but Junkyu still didn't dare to reply.

"Oh I'm here to get JUSTICE!!!" Yoshi replied. "And im also here to take you with me BWAHAHAHA." 


As soon as Yoshi stopped talking, a truck with a broken brake crossed the road.

"BOOGSH!!! BOOM!!!" They got hit by a truck.

They died. They all died in front of the church.

The church where Haruto and Junkyu was supposed to get married.


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