revised (discontinued hagauwhaisj)

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Today is the day when Junkyu and Haruto will get married. They had been dating for 4 years now, and Junkyu decided to propose to him 2 months ago.

While they're on their way to the church, where their wedding will be held at, Junkyu suddenly had the urge to take a photo of Haruto.

"Raahh my baby's so cool!" Junkyu blurted and clicked the shutter button repeatedly.
He took a lot of photos because he wanted to treasure this moment that they've been waiting for.

Haruto couldnt help but chuckle at Junkyu's cuteness and posed for the photo. Even though Haruto doesn't like taking photos of himself, he's letting it slide because he loves him. And if that's what makes his lover happy, then he shall support it.

After Junkyu took numerous photo of his lover, they both checked the photos together.

He felt a sudden change in the atmosphere of their car as soon as he opened his gallery. Junkyu thought it was weird, but he didn't pay  that much attention because he thought he was just being to sensitive.

Everytime he swipes through his gallery, the atmosphere felt heavier and heavier.

This time, Junkyu already felt anxious but he's hiding it from Haruto. He kept swiping until he got satisfied of the photos he took.

Junkyu saw a photo of his lover where there was someone blurred in the background. It wasn't just some random passerby. it looked weird?

The lad decided to tell it to his lover, but the moment he raised his head-

"GAAAHHHH!!!" Junkyu unconsciously screamed.

"a-ah h-haah haha i must be seeing things y-yeah.."  There's a tremble in his voice and terror in his eyes. He couldn't believe what he just saw.

"Junkyu? What's wrong? Are you feeling sick?" Haruto's voice was inaudible. All Junkyu could hear right now is the voice coming from his head

"Hey Junkyu, how have you been?" He heard another voice, but this time it wasn't from his kover. And it looks like he's the only one that can hear it.

Junkyu finally raised his head again and saw his past lover that took his life 4 years ago because of something that Junkyu had terribly did.

4 years ago..

Junkyu had this unusual coping mechanism that whenever something triggers his trauma, he would hurt himself or the nearest person he could reach at the moment. And since Junkyu and Yoshi were lovers, they were together the whole time.

Yoshi knew about this coping mechanism of Junkyu but he never left him whenever he's distressed because he knew that Junkyu also needed someone to comfort him whenever he's on his dark days. He hated to see his lover suffering from his trauma that he was willing to risk it all to calm him down.

The worst thing he did recently is he threw a bottle at his lover. But this time its different.

Junkyu and Yoshi was doing a normal activity in the kitchen, Yoshi was making dinner while Junkyu was cleaning the dishes. The atmosphere was bright, they were laughing at each other's stories and jokes.

However, while they were talking about their past, Yoshi didn't notice that he had said something that intensely triggered Junkyu's trauma.

Junkyu's eyes widened from his word and unconsciously grabbed the nearest sharp thing that he could grab and that was the knife.

Junkyu pushed Yoshi hard enough for him to stumble in his feet and drop into the ground. Now Junkyu is on top of him.

"What did you just said?"  Junkyu looked intensely at his lover on the floor. His eyes are lifeless and doesn't have any light anymore.

Junkyu was pointing the knife down his lover's throat.

Yoshi's eyes were trembling from seeing his lover on top of him pointing a knife at him . "Im sorry i.. i didn't pay attention to my words.. Please Junkyu get off me, just do what you usually do. Please dont do this." Yoshi begged the young man while staying still.

Junkyu came back to his senses and realized what he was doing. He was about to stand up but his hands that was supporting his body suddenly slipped.

"Aah-h.. AAAGHHH!!!!" Junkyu dropped the knife on the floor as his eyes followed the blood flowing from his lovers throat.

He just stabbed him.

Junkyu tried to stop the bleeding by putting his hands on the stabbed part but his lover was already losing a lot of blood..

"im sorry.. I-im s-s-sorry.." Junkyu was sobbing and his hands were trembling.

Yoshi tried reaching for his lover's face with the least energy he has left. "T-thank you for e-everything.. i h-hope your next lover wouldn't go through all the sufferings that i endured through the years... please.. treat them well for me..i.. l-love.. you.."

Junkyu trembled as he hold the young man's cold body in his arms. Junkyu spent the whole night sobbing as it echos through every corner of his house while he is drowning from his lover's blood all over the floor.

end of flashback..

"-kyu.. Junkyu.. Junkyu!!!!"

"Seriously what's wrong? You're making me worry." Haruto shook his lover with a worried look.

Junkyu couldn't control his tears anymore as they continuosly drip on his cheeks.

"-shi.. y-yoshi...?"

"What are you talking about? Its me Haruto!" Haruto is still confused on what's happening to his lover.

"Im sorry.. im sorry.. i-im s-sorry!!" Junkyu burst into tears and started bawling his eyes.

"Im already dead, what the fuck am i gonna do with your sorrys? Why couldn't you do that during those days?" Yoshi replied sarcastically and let out a psychopathic laugh.

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