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I can't believe I let you drag me into this" I say to Aurelia, and she smiles. I grimace at the smell of alcohol that invades my nose. College students are huddled up on the porch, smoking God knows what and sipping from red cups. Zella grabs my hand, leading us into the sorority house.

Rainbow strobe lights leave patterns all over the walls as I push past the sweaty bodies. I only dabbed a little makeup onto my face, so it won't matter if heat overcomes me and my face gets messed up. I didn't want to overdress or underdress, so I thought a simple black mini dress would suffice.

Atlas follows behind us, wearing a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans. His raven hair is pushed back, some locks fall at the sides. We all find a place to sit, I sit beside Levi with Atlas on my other side as I am offered a red cup from a random person. I decline quickly and tug at my earlobe.

"You don't drink?" Atlas questions, his gaze fixated on me. "Nope, I'm pretty sure it's illegal" I yell over the loud music, inching closer to him so that I can hear him better. I glance over at Levi to see him chatting away to some older guys. His lips curl up into a smile as he sips from a red cup, much like the others.

Aurelia curls a piece of her hair around her finger, big eyes staring into another guy's as she laughs at everything he says. I furrow my eyebrows at her actions before averting my gaze back to Atlas.

He grins at me widely, pulling his lip between his teeth. "You wanna play beer pong?" I decide to say yes, I may aswell have fun as it is a party. Atlas leads me to where they are playing and I smile at the large guys surrounding me. Atlas greets one, they look as if they know each other.

Four games of beer pong later and I have won them all. "Bro how the fuck did we lose them all?" A ginger haired boy says to another guy. I laugh and glance at Atlas. He has been downing every drink in his view, what an idiot.

"Are you okay?" Levi walks over to us, placing his arm on Atlas shoulder to steady him. He nods, a smile spreading across his lips. "He's really drunk Levi" I tell him as Atlas runs a hand through his dark locks. "I can tell" Levi gives Atlas a weird look before sitting him down somewhere.

"You sit here okay? Don't move" He says. Atlas chuckles, pulling a silly face.

"Where are you going? Don't leave me here with him!" I plead, narrowing my eyes at the dirty-blonde boy before me. His plump lips curve up into a smile. "He's your problem, I've got some girls to play with" He admits and I grimace at his words.

"Fuck you Levi!" I yell after him playfully, as we walks back into the crowd. I avert my gaze back to Atlas, who's giggling to himself. "You said a bad word Robyn, I'm telling your mommy" He grabs another red cup, putting it to his lips. I hastily grab it from him, causing it to spill onto my dress.

"Ugh" I groan, and a guilty expression spreads across Atlas' face.

"I'm sorry...not!" He giggles again over the loud music. "Hey, why did you take my drink?" He pouts, a smile peeking through his frown. "You're not drinking any more" I reply sternly, getting up from where I was sitting. I see Aurelia and Zella laughing amongst each other across the room. Why do I have to be stuck with this drunk idiot for the night?

"Why not! I'll be a good boy! I promise" I can't help the smile that grows at my lips.

"Fine" He crosses his arms over his chest, nibbling at his bottom lip.

"I've gotta get whatever this is on my dress out, stay put, okay?"

He shakes his head, standing up. "I dont really trust myself to not drink anymore, so I'm gonna come with you" He slurs a little, smiling widely before following me up the stairs. I push past the 'couples' making out on the steps. Can they like get a room? Ew.

"Where is the fucking bathroom in this place?" I yell, as Atlas pushes one open in front of me. "Oh" I press my lips together and he jumps onto the countertop. The top buttons on his shirt are left open, revealing his chest slightly. I try to rub some of the alcohol out of my dress, but it doesn't do much.

"So" He starts

"How come you don't drink?" He mutters, as water pours out of the tap. I stare at myself in the mirrors, analysing him in the mirror behind me. "I dunno, I guess it just doesn't appeal to me" I shrug and sit next to him.

"Not surprised, you look like a lightweight" He sniggers, threading a hand through his hair.

"Sorry, I didn't get that. I don't speak bullshit" I narrow my eyes at him, laughing to myself.

"You know Robyn, you're pretty funny"

"I know" I smile up at him.

"Fuck" I whisper, my voice coming out as a breathy groan.

"This won't come out" I rub at the stain harder, and Atlas furrows his thick brows.

"I can help" He blurts out, eyes twinkling with hope.

"You can't do anything," I remark and he frowns playfully.

"Shush, I can" He blurts out chuckling. He breaks our gaze and I roll my eyes in disbelief. 

I bring my eyes to meet his, as he places his hands on my waist running the cold water instead. I hiss at the chill, his grip on my waist tightening. "How'd you know how to get the stains out?"

"I don't know, I guess after going to frat parties all time you just know"

"Oh" His hands curve into my sides, and he shakes his head. He glances up at me, eyes lingering into mine. His finger glides down my forearm, trailing to my wrist, causing goosebumps to form at the nape of my neck. 

I suck a breath in as Atlas places a fallen strand of my hair back into place, fingers lingering there for a moment. I pull my lip between my teeth, gazing up at him hopelessly as he breathes out. 

After a few moments of silence, the door flies open, and Levi stumbles in. I take a few steps away from Atlas, heading towards the door. "God, I just fucking need to piss. You guys were in here for way too long" He groans, pulling his pants down and throwing his head back. I gasp, taking that as my cue to leave before I see something I'll most definitely regret.

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