Devastation and Acceptance

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Everests POV| When i woke up i was still shook and traumatized from yesterday, Eren and Armin told me to get up but i laid there completely confused and terrified of what happened. If that other man wasn't there the same thing that happened to mom would've happened to me, i spaced out wondering what mom felt, i know it was pain but it must've been an unbearable pain for her to scream that loud, i've never heard her scream that loud except when she stepped on the toy brick that for some reason ended up in the house. Eren forced me up saying that he didn't have my time and that we needed to get moving, Armin knew i saw something last night from my lack of moving and talking, he didn't ask since i was the type of person to overthink during anything, he found that out from my body language and when i panicked during saying my name. Everyone was chatting from the distance mentioning something was going to be announced, Eren said "lets go and find out what it is maybe its something useful" The others got a move on but i stood there looking down. i was about to lose them in the crowd but Armin ran back to me grabbing my hand saying "Its ok whatever happened your safe now" those words comforted me, he ran back to the others still grabbing me by the hand to not lose me in the crowd if i followed. We came to a stop two minutes later to the announcer, It wasn't good news, they needed soldiers to help fight the titans. Everyone was in shock everyone knew they were going to die. we went back to Armins grandfather which is where Armin wanted to go. Armins grandfather told him he had to go to help fight the titans and he knew he wasn't coming back.
-Time skip-
Days later or weeks im not sure i lost track of time, i saw Armins grandfather put his hat on Armin and Armin was crying so i stayed by his side to try to comfort him, Eren and Mikasa looked at each other and then looked back at Armin and me, Eren didn't have a facial expression of much but anger, i knew he hated the titans to death.
-Time skip-
After the fight against the titans was over, everyone knew what the news would be but they didn't expect it to be this bad, Every single one who participated in combat died and not one single survivor that participated lived. Armin was devastated, He only has Eren Mikasa and me which he was glad he at least had people to rely on. We went back to our sleeping area, When Eren said "When im old enough i will train to fight against titans and kill every single one of them" Mikasa said shes coming too and so did Armin, i noticed how Eren hated being babysitted by Mikasa at the time, Armin asked if i was coming and i agreed. Eren still hasn't taken a liking to me, so he asked what my motive even was or if i just wanted to be with Armin. I said my motive for going was because i was completely all alone and my mom and possibly my dad who threw me onto that boat was also dead if he didn't evacuate. he wanted me to do something in life and where ever he is heaven or still here ill make him proud.
Eren looked at me nodding in acceptance of my reasoning.
Then he put his fist up i thought he was going to punch me so i shielded myself and flinched but then Armin said "hes trying to fist bump you" i didn't know what the fuck was a fist bump or how it worked. I peeked and then Armin fist bumped Eren as a demonstration asking me to try it. I fist bumped Eren just like Armin did and thats when i realized i was part of the group officially.
sorry if this was boring or shitty-
Remember your important and deserve love dont forget to eat and drink something also if its your birthday happy birthday :)

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