10. Just childeren

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The dream team

Evan what time do u want us to
come over at?

Yeah what times good?

Evan man
Is 6 ok?

Yeah grand

Sounds good

Matthew 🤘
I'll be late but only like a half an

Evan man
Ok that's fine


              For Evan's birthday we're all having a sleepover in his gaff. I think this is actually my first sleepover that's not with Brooke. This is gonna be class! The group chat is going a bit mental at the moment but I'm just gonna ignore it.

*incoming FaceTime from Brookesters*

"Hi" I answer
"Ni can u drop me to Evans cause me ma can't?"
"Oh ye no bother. I'm going on my bike though but you can have handlebars"
"Sound thanks"

*call ended*


              As soon as I get to Brooke's house she's already running out the door with a bag in her hand.
"hiii" she says excited
"What's up"
She hops up onto my handle bars.
"Look I'm getting the hang of it" she turned to me and says
"You are" I laugh
It's about a fifteen minute cycle to Evan's but I had to go a bit slower so Brooke wouldn't fall of and kill me.
When we got there Evan answered the door and said "ah it's the couple themselves"
I look at him like I was going to kill him. I shouldn't have told him anything.
"Ah I'm only messing come in"
Brooke doesn't take any notice and skips in the door and into the sitting room where Emma is already.
"Hiya" Brooke gleams
"Hi guys" Emma says to both of us
It took a while for everyone to arrive because Stephen and Sally are always late.

It started off as a normal sleepover, talking, pizza, playing truth or dare.
"Dare" Brooke says all cocky.
"Alright then." Stephen smiles. "I dare you to jump into the Brosna"
Brooke looks at him. I don't think she expected Stephen to say that.
"Shut up Stephen, you only want to see her in a bikini!" Emma gives out
"No I just said it cause I know she won't do it."
"I don't have a bikini with me" Brooke tells us.
"You can have one of mine, I only live like two doors down" says Emma
"Ok grand"

The girls walk to Emma's house while we stay in Evan's.
"I can't believe she's actually gonna do jump in the river" Stephen says "I was only messing cause I just wanted to see her in a bikini" he laughs
I punch him. "Of course she'll jump in, it's Brooke."
"Yeah fair" he replies
"So are ye gonna ask her tonight?" Evan asks.
"I already know what ye want me to ask her and the answers no" I state
"Ah come on Nialler. Imagine what could happen." Stephen said
"Look I don't wanna deck our friendship. I rather have her as a friend forever than have her as a girlfriend for a year."
"But you'll never know, it could work out and yer not even gonna try" Evan trys to prove a point
"Lads. We're just kids. Like I have my whole life to ask her. Just not tonight."
"Ah ok. But if you don't by 6th year I am" Stephen laughs.
I look at him
"I'm messing chill" he backs away

            *ding* Brooke sent a message on the group chat.
"She said meet them at the Brosna" I tell the lads
"Alright let's go then." Evan says.
I quickly type 'just kids' into the notes in my phone, just because I thought it would fit into the song.
We run out the door and grab our bikes from the front garden. We cycle over to the Brosna as fast as we could. When we got there we see the three girls. They're all standing on the river bank waving at us. Next of all they all jump in. Me and the boys thought was hilarious so we cycled over to them. Evan threw as bike on the ground and jump in after them fully clothed. I honestly couldn't stop laughing. I had my new derby jersey on so I took that and my shoes off and jumped in after him.
The girls cheered and laughed.
"Come on stepho" I shout
"Nah I'm grand"
"Don't be such a pussy" Evan adds
Stephen wasn't impressed with what Evan said. He hated being taken the piss out of. Especially on front of the girls. They thought it was hilarious though.
Next of all, Brooke grabbed Stephen's hand and dragged him into the river. He splashed and spluttered for a few seconds before pushing me under the water.

            What seemed like ten minutes went by. It was actually an hour and a half. It did not seem that long. We got out and dried with the towels the girls brought.
The whole ride home we were laughing and chatting, with the girls on the handle bars.

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