Ch.5: The Girl From Last Night

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{POV: Amane Yugi}

It was 12:30 in the morning and and Amane couldn't sleep. Earlier that night he had been stargazing with a girl he had just met. He was telling her interesting things about the moon. She seemed extremely excited about what he was telling her, he found it amusing how a girl her age was so fascinated, it seemed like she hadn't learnt much about it . Though he used to be the same way.

He was talking to the girl for about 2 hours before her roommate called her and asked where she was and reminded her it was almost past curfew.

He figured if he couldn't sleep he would at least study. His teacher Tsuchigomori was always brutal with his students, if you were lucky you were a favorite and didn't get yelled at as much. Amane was lucky enough to be a favorite.

He groaned as he made his way out of bed and sat at his computer. Though to his misfortune, his brother Tsukasa was awake.

"Amane! What are you doing up so late?~" His brother asked in a teasing tone, as if he was suggesting something happened. His brother was always like this, if he was up late in his room Tsukasa would always guess he was texting some girl.

"I couldn't sleep." He knew what his brother was thinking. He then spun around in the chair to look his brother who was on his own bed and laying on his stomach while kicking his feet in the air.

"Nuh-uh! My twin senses are tingling! Who is she?~" He said as he cupped his own face with both of his hands and looked at Amane with a face full of curiosity. Amane then sighed at his brothers words.

"There is no "She" Tsukasa." He responded bluntly. A smile appeared on his twins face.

"C'mon! You can trust me! I'm your baby brother!" Amane rolled his eyes at that statement. There was silence between them for a few seconds. He sighed and gave up.

"Do you know a girl with magenta eyes, and cream colored hair with teal tips?" He looked at his twin whos face lit up. Then a huge smirk appeared on his face.

"Maaaaaayyyyybeeeeeee~" His twin teased. Amane facepalmed.

"You're such a kid Tsukasa." He groaned.

"I bumped into her at the party earlier. Her name is Yashiro Nene. Why do you wanna know?~" His twin smiled.

"Oh forget it. I'm going back to bed. Goodnight." Amane sighed and got up from his seat at his desk and plopped down on his bed facing the wall so his brother was unable to see his annoyed facial expression.

"W-Wait a minute! You can't just ask me about a girl and then ignore me like it didn't happen!" The childish twin whined.

"Goodnight Tsukasa." Was all he received in response to his whining. He pouted as he threw the covers over himself and turned to the wall like his brother. Although his brother shut down what he was suggesting, Tsukasa wouldn't let this event be ignored. Though Amane couldn't see it, Tsukasa was smiling to himself.

{Morning: 7:15 AM}

Amane groaned as he heard his alarm blare. He slammed his hand on the snooze button and turned over. To his surprise, a pillow hit him. He shot up to see Tsukasa, with a pillow in his hand.

"Gah- Hey what was that for?!" He snapped. His brother ignored his outburst and looked at him with a smirk on his face.

"What's up Amane? You are not normally so lazy about getting up." He laughed.

"Shut it." Amane said with a groggy voice as he rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and grabbed his toothbrush. He was a mess this morning, his hair needed some serious attention. 'Jeez, what a dream I must've had.' He thought.

He finished brushing his teeth and grabbed a towel. He hopped into the shower and cranked up the hot water. As the water hit his face his thoughts trailed off as they normally did. The girl from the night before had made her way into his thoughts. His brother had told him her name, Yashiro Nene. Apparently they had bumped into each other at the party the night before. He had hoped Tsukasa didn't say something stupid. Soon a knock could be heard at the door, followed by a voice.

"Hurry up, we have a half hour before class starts. If your late I'm late because the teachers can't tell us apart!" Tsukasa shouted too him from outside the bathroom. Amane sighed and turned off the water.

As he got out of the shower he wrapped his towel around himself. Soon he looked up into the mirror and saw his own amber eyes staring back at him. His eyes crept up to his hair that was now damp. His ran his hand through his hair and deeply stared in the mirror before letting out a sigh. 

{Break: 12: 08 PM}

Amane was on break and he was waiting at the gate for Tsukasa to finish whatever he was doing. They were planning on getting lunch at the café down the street, they had to be back by 1:00 o'clock for core classes though. Amane was studying astronomy and stuff like that. Amane had grown tired of waiting and started to reach for his phone to text Tsukasa when heard his brother shouting for him.  

"Amane! I'm here!" He heard his twin yell while running towards him. 

"Jeez, about time-" He looked up too look his brother in the eyes, but to his surprise, he saw two different pairs of eyes. His brothers, and a slightly familiar pair of magenta ones. 

It was the girl from last night. 








Lol Tsukasa is best wingman. Sorry this took so long I was really busy and I had writers block :>

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