Ch.2: Nene's First Party

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{POV: Yashiro Nene}

It was 8:15am and Nene was in her first class, Theater history. It was her first day and she could already tell that this would be the most boring and her least favorite class. She tried to pay attention to her sensei, but it was no use. Her mind had went into the gutter. Instead of paying attention to class the cream haired girl was thinking about random things that made her happy. 


Before Nene knew it it was 9:00 o'clock and the bell had rang. She had been thinking of memes in class for a whole 45 minutes. 'NENE WHAT THE HECK! YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION FROM NOW ON!' She mentally slapped herself as she ran to her next class.

Nene did better her next period. However she kept hearing whispers about a party from her classmates. apparently it was a party too kick off the new semester or something.  Nene had no intention of going because she had a nasty mental image of what college parties were like, and  she did not want to get tangled up in that stuff. She knew not all parties were bad but she didn't want to take any chances. 

Soon it was lunch. Nene had sat with Aoi in the front of the school and were talking normally until Aoi brought up and interesting subject. 

"Hey Nene-Chan! Have you heard? there's gonna be a party at 7:00 o'clock in dorm 476! Are you gonna be there?"

Nene didn't expect Aoi to be the party type. But then again Aoi was popular. Nene didn't want to cause problems by asking so she just brushed off the thought.

"I don't think so Aoi..." Nene mumbled.

"But why not?" Aoi questioned.

"I just..." Nene desperately tried to think of an excuse. She didn't want her friend to think she was a wimp. 

"It.. wouldn't do me any good. I wouldn't know anybody there.."  'That was the stupidest excuse ever, no way she'll let me off the hook.' The daikon screamed in her head.

"All the more reason to go Nene-chan! you would meet new people!" Aoi said.

"I don't know.." 


Nene really didn't want to go to this party. But her friend was very persistent. Nene let out a deep sigh.

"Fine." Nene mumbled.

"YAY!" The girl beside her cheered.

Nene was not looking forward to this. She wanted anything more than to go to this party, if she could even call it that. She knew what was about to go down, she saw it in movies and her mother had told Nene her experiences so she could be careful when she went to one. She was not excited to say the least. 

{Later that night}

Aoi was begging Nene to get ready. She refused complaining that she didn't have too. All she was planning on wearing were normal casual clothes, as she didn't want to stand out. Aoi soon gave up as she slowly realized her friend wouldn't budge. 

"Fine, but at least do your hair." Aoi sighed.

"I will." Nene replied as she rolled her eyes. 

Nene then walked to the bathroom and grabbed her hairbrush. She was looking at herself in the mirror as she was brushed her cream like hair. She started thinking about the last time she took a good look at herself in the mirror. She had grown up so much and here she was, at university. Nene kept thinking about how she was older and how after university she will be pretty much on her own.  It scared her to think that she had grown up so much, she was also scared of what the future held for her. But who could blame her? The future is basically the definition of unknown. 

Nene put the brush down and grabbed the hair curler. Her thoughts trailed back too what she was thinking about before as she started to curl her hair that was now silky smooth. The future had always scared her but as she looked at herself in the mirror and thought about it deeply the more she was afraid. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door. 

"Nene-chan? are you almost ready?" 

"Yes! I'll be out in a minute!"

"Alright, we have to leave in a few minutes ok?"


Nene sighed as she took one last look at herself in the mirror and left the bathroom.

"I'm ready Aoi-chan!" She shouted to her friend. 

"Lets go then Nene-Chan!"











Nene was pretty silent the whole walk to the party. Her friend walking beside her just assumed she was nervous so she decided to talk to her to relieve her nerves.

"So Nene-chan, I never really asked, what are you studying?" Her friend asked.

"Oh, I study film artistry. I would like to be an actress of some sort." She replied. 

"Oooo! That's amazing Nene-chan! I'm studying botany! I would like to be a florist!" Aoi replied excitedly.

"Wow that's amazing! Good for you Aoi-chan!" They exchanged smiles as the conversation ended, just in time too. They had just arrived outside of the dorm the party was being held at. 

Aoi lifted her hand and started to knock. This was when our daikon princesses heart started to race. A few seconds after Aoi finished knocking a girl with big blue eyes and round glasses opened the door and all the music and talking could be heard in the hallway. 

"Hello Mei-chan!" Aoi greeted her.

"Oh hello Aoi-chan! Is this your new roommate?" Mei asked

"Yep this is Nene-chan!" Aoi said with a smile on her face.

"Hello Nene-chan! Welcome! You two can come on in!" She motioned for them to come inside. 

Aoi nodded and grabbed Nene's hand and pulled her inside. The party was loud, very loud. Nene wanted to cover her ears but Aoi spoke up. 

"Akane-kun is here and he brought a friend! I want you too meet them!" Aoi started too pull Nene with her as she was walking in the sea of students. Suddenly someone bumped into Nene and she let go of her grip on Aoi before she even knew what was happening. She fell to the floor hard but then then stranger who bumped into her spoke up.

"Are you ok?" Nene looked up to see a boy with choppy black hair and big amber eyes as he extended his hand. As he flashed her a smile she could see that he had fang like teeth. 















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