[chapter 1] i hate parties

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"We're here."

Trent quickly grabs his bag along with his phone, before paying the driver. No tip.


While walking up the driveway, Trent looks up from his phone.

It's the first time Trent had seen Heather's house. He looked at it in awe. She was richer than he thought.

It was like one of those houses you'd see celebrities in.

Looking from the outside, the house had a lavish garden, one of those angel-babies spewing water out of its mouth on a fountain, an assortment of beautifully grown flowers, and even pruned bushes.

When he was finally done drooling over the scenery, Trent made his way over to the door.

To his surprise, Justin opened it.

"Come in," Justin said. He was never much of a talker.

Trent obliged and made his way through the house, following Justin up the staircase.

There were beautifully framed pictures of a younger Heather plastered on the walls. Looking at those, you'd think Heather would be a tad bit different, Trent smirked to himself.

His thoughts were stopped to a halt when he bumped into Justin.

"Watch it," Justin demanded.

The music-obsessed boy rolled his eyes. "My bad."


Looking around the rooftop, it seemed that only half the guests had arrived.

On one corner of the room was Gwen and LeShawna, surprising Trent because of the weird rivalry between Heather and Gwen, which he couldn't point a finger on what caused them to bicker constantly when in the same room together.

On the opposite side, was Justin walking up to the pool table with a mirror in one of his hands, probably to stare at himself during the duration of the party. While Sadie, Katie, and Beth were drooling over him.

How obnoxious, Trent thought to himself.

He looked around and saw a few more people who he didn't recognize, nor care to mention—before heading downstairs to a less crowded area.

Trent looked around and spotted Harold blabbering to Cody about some camp he went to last summer.

Cody took a quick glance at Trent, looking thankful that he could finally exit this god-awful conversation about Harold having to use rocks instead of toilet paper because of some sort of "shortage". Wow.

"Hey man," Cody finally blurted out.

Harold turned around and kindly greeted Trent, before going back to whatever he was talking about.


After about 15 minutes of Harold talking non-stop, Cody excused himself to go upstairs, probably to go annoy Gwen, Trent thought to himself.

"Trent, are you listening?" Harold queried.

"Sorry man, kinda' spaced out for a second," he admitted.

Desperate to fill the awkward air, Trent finally spoke up.

"So, how are you and LeShawna at the moment?"

"Honestly man, not great." Harold told Trent about how LeShawna only saw him as a friend and nothing more, and Harold being Harold claimed that he would wait for however long it took until she reciprocated his feelings.

Although Harold could be a bit geeky at times, Trent had to admit he admired how hard Harold tried to get LeShawna. You could even say that LeShawna is missing out.

"That's really cool of you man," Trent finally responded.


Trent had absolutely no interest in this party. He didn't even know why he came, considering him and Heather aren't close, nor did Trent even go to his friends' parties. He missed Cody's last year because he was feeling "sick". Poor Cody.


Trent excused himself to go to the bathroom right after wishing Harold good luck on his mission to win LeShawna's heart.


Why am I here?

I could be doing so many other things right now, yet I decide to come to someone's party who I barely even know!

I'm never going to a party again.

I want to go home.



Trent mentally cursed himself for coming. He had a huge biology exam in a few days, had a school project, yet for some reason decided that going out to a party was the greatest idea. It wasn't.


[A/N] Hiii! so this is my first fanfic and first chapter, therefore i'm sorry it was pretty short and boring :( next chapter will revolve around Justin!!

lmk if there's anything u wanna see, constructive criticism, etc!!

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