[chapter 4] photograph

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Heather quickly barged into the room, and was instantly met with two guys who were far too close to each other. Justin quickly shoved Trent off his shoulder, surprised that Trent still didn't wake up even after the commotion Heather was causing.

"Justin, I've been looking for you everywhere. I need someone to take pictures of me with my friends for my Instagram story," Heather impatiently yelled, before quickly leaving the room.

Justin made nothing more than a grunt and got up to follow Heather, not in the mood to piss her off, leaving Trent alone in the room.

Justin followed Heather down to the gigantic living room, where there was a picturesque cake placed onto a lavish table with beautiful flowers adorning the room. Aside from that, there were at least a hundred people in this room, not even accounting for the rest of the house. Was Heather that well acquainted with this many people? His train of thought stopped when Heather roughly handed him an expensive Canon camera.

"Be a dear and don't mess this up for me," Heather hissed.

Justin rolled his eyes before backing up and taking photos of Heather and her friends, only getting more annoyed as Heather yelled at him for messing up the shots in one way or another. This went on for another fifteen minutes before Heather decided to check the pictures. Justin handed her the camera, only for her to delete all of them and go on to recruit someone else. Justin was pissed, but at least it meant he wasn't going to be one to face Heather's wrath any longer.

Glad he was done with that ordeal, he decided to go back to his room to see Trent. On his way up the seemingly increasing amount of stairs, he made contact with Sadie, Katie, and Beth again.

"Oh my god, Justin! Where were you? We've been looking for you everywhere!" Katie demanded.

"Yeah, Justin! We wanted to give you some presents!" Sadie revealed.

"You guys do realize that this is Heather's party right?" Justin quickly said, leaving the girls standing there. 

Justin walked faster than ever before to reach his room and meet up with Trent. However, when he opened the room, he was met with the reality that Trent was no longer there. Justin looked around his room, in his bathroom, before yelling Trent's name.

"Trent!" Justin shouted. "Where are you?" 

No response. Justin couldn't believe Trent left. Trent was the one of the only people at this party who he could tolerate, and now he was gone. Worst of all, this was hurting Justin's ego. Was Justin's presence not enough? He didn't think he was gone all that long for Trent to have gotten up and leave. Dejected, Justin walked out of his room and decided to look through two more rooms before ultimately giving up after seeing Bridgette and Geoff making out in the second one. 

Hungry, Justin simply decided to go downstairs and grab something from one of the Michelin Star Chefs Heather was somehow able to afford. He looked at the kitchen, marveling at how much food there was. From beluga caviar and Kobe beef, to Matsutake mushrooms and Densuke watermelon. While this looked great, would it have killed Heather to have gotten some chips and pizza? He knew Heather would've gotten mad at him for eating the food before her. He simply grabbed a soda out of their fridge and popped it open.

Justin walked outside the kitchen and looked around before seeing Trent. He didn't leave the party? Justin was about to walk up to Trent, until seeing him with Duncan. Justin hated Duncan's guts, and the fact that Duncan was freely talking with Trent seemingly sparked a fire in Justin's heart. This went on for a whole minute until Cody walked up to him.

"Uh... Justin, what are you glaring at? Also, your soda is leaking..." Cody remarked, seeming genuinely frightened.

Justin quickly untensed his eyebrows and stopped clenching the can, before looking back at Cody.

"Sorry man, I'm kind of out of it today. Long day, huh?" Justin answered.

Cody wasn't convinced, but didn't push any further.

"Anyways, Noah, Harold, Owen, DJ, Tyler, and I were going to play some Minecraft. Wanna join?"

Justin looked out at Duncan and Trent one more time, seeing Duncan place his hand on Trent's shoulder. He tried to ignore the weird feeling it had on his heart, before looking back at Cody.

"Sure man, I've got nothing better to do."


been a while since i used wattpad so i decided to check out my account and saw your guys' comments.... here's the update..................

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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