[chapter 3] he plays minecraft?

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Just as Trent was about to leave the hellhole, also known as "Heather's Party", he spotted Justin making his way towards him. 


He pretended to not notice Justin walking towards him, but he wasn't an idiot. 


"Hey," Justin blurted out. Like Trent realized earlier, he was never much of a talker.

"What do you want?" Trent wasn't in the mood to be friendly or make a conversation. He had other things to do.

"Can a guy not say hello?" Justin was acting awfully nice.

Trent rolled his eyes.

"Sorry man, just not in the mood to talk," he admitted. "Anyways, what are you doing down here? Don't you have a birthday girl to tend to?" Trent was genuinely curious why THE Justin wanted to have a conversation with him.

"You mean Heather? I'm sure she has enough people to keep her company." Yeah, Trent didn't realize the relationship between Justin and Heather.

"Were you going to leave the party?" Justin questioned, suddenly sounding a little disappointed.

"Nope! I was just about to head upstairs, you?"

Stupid, stupid, stupid! There goes my opportunity of having a somewhat decent Saturday.

"I was about to head into my room, wanna come with?" 

An invitation? 

To his room? 

What kind of lame romance novel was he starring in?

To be fair, Trent was overreacting. 


Looking at Justin's room, it was HUGE. There were pictures of Justin covering almost every inch of the walls, a stack of magazines by his desk, a T.V. as well as a sofa, a king-sized bed with beautifully draped curtains on either side of the bed, along with a tall shelf of trophies, which read "Best Dressed", "Best Looking", and other trophies he'd been awarded for his looks.

Trent couldn't lie when he thought that Justin's room was amazing, he was even a little jealous.

Justin sat in front of the T.V. before grabbing two controllers and taking a seat on the sofa. Trent never took him for the type to play video games. Then again, Trent never really expected anything more from Justin other than staring at himself in the mirror.

Justin quickly put on Minecraft and gave Trent the other controller.

After 15 silent minutes of them building a house together, with their beds right next to each other, Trent, desperate to break the silence tried to start a conversation.

"Didn't know you played Minecraft."

"It gets boring around here." Wow, seems like Justin CAN talk more than he lets on. 



Great, now it's even more awkward.

Unexpectedly, Justin spoke up.

"What do you do during your free time?"

"Well, never really thought about it, but—..." Trent went on to talk about him writing music, playing guitar, and the occasional gaming session with Harold and Cody.



More silence? 

Goddamn it, why do I even try?

What was the point of starting that conversation...

"How about you?" Trent asked, wanting to seem polite, but was also kind of intrigued.

Justin told Trent about his many modeling gigs, photoshoots, and even meeting some celebrities, but sounded kind of miserable for some reason.

Holy shit, he gets to do all that?! He's so damn lucky.

Unbeknownst to Trent, Justin hated it.


Whilst the party was still happening, Justin switched the channel and decided to put on a horror movie. More specifically, The Conjuring.

He watches movies?

Okay, maybe Trent didn't take Justin for anything more than a guy who's too self-absorbed, he had a personality.


It was 11:45 P.M. Justin had his eyes glued to the T.V., when the ending credits rolled in, he decided to get up to get some water, but felt weight on his shoulders. Literally.

Trent fell asleep around the middle of the movie, and was resting on Justin's shoulder. 

Justin was about to wake him up when he heard a knock.

"Justin? Where the hell were you?" Heather impatiently said.

He froze.

Instead of waiting for a response, she barged in.

Yeah, this looked bad.



[A/N] helloooooo! hope u enjoyed this chapter <3 i'll try to make the plot a little more interesting and entertaining! the next chapter should be released in 1-3 days

don't forget to vote and comment! have a great day :)

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