[chapter 2] this sucks

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Prior to the party...

"Justin, get up here!" Someone roared.

Justin unwillingly dragged himself out of his room and walked towards where the noise originated from. 

Without looking up from what she was doing, Heather commanded Justin to help her set up.

"Be a dear and hang up the streamers, will you?"

"Fine." Heather seemed in an awfully good mood, and Justin knew better than to anger Heather, especially on a day like this.

Today was Heather's seventeenth birthday, making her a couple of months older than Justin.

Every year, Heather liked her parties big. Big parties meant crazy things would happen. Crazy things meant Heather would ultimately end up the center of attention and her popularity would skyrocket. You could say all you want about Heather, but you had to admit she was clever.


After a long 30 minutes, Justin finally finished helping Heather set up her party. Well, if you could call poorly taping streamers and somehow setting up tables the wrong way "helping", he helped a ton.

Heather got frustrated and let him leave, Justin thankful that he didn't have to argue himself out of this situation.


Since there was about an hour until the party, Justin decided to take a bath to calm his nerves and freshen up. There was nothing better to do anyways. 

He picked out a Louis Vuitton sweater gifted to him from his step-father as well as some jeans from a thrift store. 


After Justin finished getting ready for the party, Heather ordered him to greet the guests and lead them to where the party was being hosted. 

"Why don't you do it?" Justin asked. He did not want to open the door for fifty people he did not know.

"To be fashionably late, duh." Heather sneered.

"At your own party?" Justin laughed. The trouble Heather would go through to be popular didn't even surprise Justin. Albeit, he couldn't say anything as he was one of the most well-known kids at school and he would like to keep it that way.

"Don't make me mad."

Justin sighed and reluctantly agreed. He was not in the mood to deal with Heather's tantrums, not right now.


Nobody was in the "mansion", also known as their home, except for Justin and Heather. Their parents were currently on a business trip; You have to pay the bills somehow!


The obnoxiously loud sound of the doorbell ringed throughout the house, indicating that the first guests had arrived.

Justin walked up to the door and looked through the peephole. Outside were Beth, Sadie, and Katie, which surprised Justin because he didn't think Heather would invite people like them, but then again, it was Heather. She'd do anything for popularity.

He opened up the door, and was instantly met with some not-so-comfortable hugs. The three girls loved Justin, and not platonically. 

After a few uncomfortable minutes, Justin managed to squeeze himself out of the hug and led the girls upstairs. They were gossiping about who they'd date in the school, and Justin heard his name numerous times. 

He instantly regretted helping Heather. He wanted to go into his room, flop onto his bed, and sleep for a concerningly long amount.

This sucks.


Soon, more and more people started making their way to the party; Justin quickly getting bored.


As Justin heard another loud ring, he quickly shuffled to the door and looked through the peephole.

It was Trent.

Thank God it wasn't another one of those "fangirls" who would practically praise him for breathing, he didn't know how much longer he could handle it without any other sane person at the party.


"Come in," Justin said, not wanting to talk anymore than he would have to. 

Justin led Trent up the staircase to where the rest of the party-goers were, not making any small-talk. Thank goodness it seemed like Trent picked up on the hint, not saying anything as well.


Justin abruptly stopped when they reached the place where Heather would blow seventeen candles, unluckily for him, Trent bumped into him.

"Watch it," Justin sneered, accidentally sounding too rude.

Trent "apologized" and the two boys entered.


Justin paced towards the pool table, grabbing a mirror from his pockets. Staring at himself all day sounded way more up-to-par than interacting with the guests, as narcissistic as that made him sound.

Unfortunately for him, his biggest fans, Sadie, Katie, and Beth decided to follow him, seemingly just wanting to take in what they were seeing.

Justin didn't feel like telling them to get lost, so he reluctantly let them stare at him staring at a mirror.


Feeling hungry, Justin walked away from the pool table and towards the table to munch on a little snack.

He looked around and saw three different-flavored sets of cupcakes, popcorn, party-sized sodas, chips, and a small tray of vegetables, as well as other snacks he didn't care to mention.

Not wanting too consume too much, Justin took a cupcake and a couple of vegetables, before making his way towards an empty table.


Justin took a quick glance at his surroundings, noticing Trent no longer occupying a place in the said area.

He probably left, that lucky bastard.


After some time, Heather finally made her way to where the party was. 

Heather was wearing an indigo-blue colored dress, with expensive rhinestones covering almost every inch of the long dress, along with a silver butterfly necklace with matching earrings, as well as silver slip-on high heels. In short, she looked stunning. 

Almost everyone made their way up to Heather, complimenting her, praising her, and even just to stare at her. Justin simply rolled his eyes.

This could not get anymore boring.


He stands corrected. This got more boring. Heather, being the self-centered girl she is, insisted that the guests played a trivia game about questions regarding Heather. Not like anyone could object, it was her party after all.


Justin stood up and made his way downstairs, where some of the guests were, not wanting to play a stupid trivia game.

Just as Justin made his way downstairs, he spotted Trent exiting the bathroom.

So that's where he was.


[A/N] uploaded a longer chapter!! in the next few chapters it'll get more interesting and we'll finally get more trent x justin scenes

lmk if there's anything u wanna see, constructive criticism, etc!! tysm for reading xoxo

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