akaashi's home life

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TW rape and abuse

Bokuto told akaashi everything what he ate last night what his sisters did and everything else so he was upset when in the third year meeting about how akaashi is acting he found out stuff about him. He fought akaashi would tell him if anyone or anything was scaring or making him upset.

The thrird years had held a meeting about akaashi and why he was flinching Everly time someone was to loud or hit him or that he was clearly wearing make up to cover bruises.

They decided that bokuto would go round to his house and ask about whats wrong.

Akaashi's POV same time after practice

He walked into his house as quietly as possible avoiding all the beer cans and broken floorboards. He snuck past his dad who was passed out naked on the couch. As soon as he got to his room if you could even call it that he grabbed one of his secret bars and ate. it was his first piece of food in 3 days.

Akaashi's room was meant to be a toilet in the original house design but his dad threw a broken mattress in there and took of the door lock. Akaashi had put a box of protein bars in it and hidden it from when his dad came in.  It had  a large window the only source of light in the room next to the bed.

  It had  a large window the only source of light in the room next to the bed

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it looked  like this but more run down.

His dad had abused him physically since his mom died in a car accident on the way to akaashi's school. He always had at least a  bruise on him or a cut on him and his clothes where always torn and had holes in them.

When he was 15 his father had first raped him and scince then he had been recorded beingf raped by and tourted by his father on camera. He decided to not tell anyone especially bokuto he was terrified about him calling cps as he will have to be sent to live in foster and might be removed from school or worse hate him he was scared about bokuto thinking he was dirty or a whore.

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